Life is for living and enjoying: find your joy

All of us have someone or something that challenges us in our life. We came into a life to learn and these challenges are meant to stretch us and help us to learn. Life is full of ups and downs. But it is always important to remember life is a gift for living and enjoying.

Sometimes the stetch for a learning can feel excessive to the point where you can feel quite down. We have all been there, such as parental disapproval, a lover walking away, a job lost or a sick child. But the key question is;

How do you pick yourself up and get back into the flow of life and experiencing joy? read more

2023! What can you expect from the coming year?

January brings a fresh start: simplify your life to allow more space for joy….

At the moment there is plenty in the world to worry about – inflation, energy crisis, war, mortgage and rent increases. Many of my friends have said they have stopped reading the news as much of it promotes fear or is depressing.

You are part of humanity and your behaviour has an impact whether you consciously recognise it or not. You are part of the collective consciousness of humanity and therefore contribute to steering our journey.

World calamities give us good reasons to change. Some call it the ‘burning ground’ and it’s a driver for doing things differently from the past. read more