The Power of Love

2022 has brought in lots of change for all of us.  On the world stage political leaders are changing, war, worries on inflation and the cost of living, even Mother Earth is feeling change.  There is much debate on whether there is climate change in process but it is a fact that glaciers and the artic ice is melting.  So, something is changing whether we like it or not.

As individuals we may not be able to influence events on the world stage.  However, your reaction to these events is affected by your state of being.  read more

How was your lockdown?: chaotic, insightful, challenging….

Here in the UK lockdown has been eased so we can get back to ‘normal’ or perhaps I should say ‘new normal’. The date we started this process was the 4th July. There is a certain irony with this being Independence Day in the US.

How was your lockdown?

Mine was not what I was expecting. I thought I would be happily writing articles, creating and learning to edit videos to share with you. It was quite the opposite. I felt quiet and reflective. Fortunately I am a great believer in meditation so I retreated from the outer world to explore my inner landscape. A common question from my husband is; read more

Feeling Your Emotions – FREE e-book

Feeling Your Emotions: hope – inspiration – love was written during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown in the Spring of 2020. A conversation between Alison Wem and her friends who are healers, mediums and a spirit artist but are also husbands, wives, parents and adult children observing and experiencing the pandemic. This is a very international group of friends with 5 countries and their respective cultures represented.

A whole range of feelings are expressed; fear, anxiety, uncertainty in a changed world, but more importantly there are messages of love, caring, support and humour which in themselves provide hope, inspiration and love. read more

Feel good: find ways of putting things into perspective

Finding January a challenging month? Or perhaps there is something else in your life which is spoiling your calmness and well-being, giving you worry and anxiety.

Each of us runs our own lives and we can seek out ways of improving our well-being. This is not about expensive classes or time consuming activities. Music and singing can be listened to, or joined in with, as we travel to work or do domestic tasks.

Deva Premal and Miten give us an overview of what is possible and how it helped them. read more