Tibetan Monks: create a sand mandala in London

Tibetan Monks UK Peace Tour

The purpose of the Lelung Dharma Trust’s Shide-Peace project is to promote peace throughout the world. In order to raise awareness of this mission, the Lelung Dharma Trust has brought a group of Tibetan monks from the Drepung Monastery in South India to the UK. While they are here they are performing a number of sacred activities. One of these is the creating of a sand mandala which I was privilege to witness in St. James’s church in Piccadilly, London.

Buddhism is of interest to me as it promotes a way of living for greater peace and happiness. It considers human behaviour and how we might individually improve our personal behaviour to make the world a better place. It is not about someone else doing something but each of us individually taking responsibility for our own behaviour and in so doing contribute to the whole. read more