Are you listening to your own soul?

It never ceases to surprise me how strong people can be when there is a crisis in their lives. They often don’t know where the strength has come from. My belief is that your soul loves you and is always with you whether you are aware of it or not.

A silent inner cry of ‘Please can you help me.’ will strengthen the link between you and your soul allowing your soul to step in more easily and give you strength.

It’s great to get help when you most need it. But think how it would help your life if you used the strength and wisdom of your soul in everyday life. Your wisdom from living many past lives is held by your soul. read more

Empowerment: can spirituality help you?

What do we mean by spirituality? For me, it is about knowing there are two parts to me. Me, the personality who interacts with the world on a day-to-day basis. Me, the soul that is the eternal part of me that has lived many lives and gained some wisdom along the way.

As you explore your own spirituality you increasingly learn to go within where you discover you are never truly alone. It is within you meet your soul and start to get to know them. Perhaps unexpectedly, it is within you that you find strength, love, and support. read more