Rumi’s Reflections: Alison Wem’s Journal – Day 8

Yesterday I was clever,

So I wanted to change the world

Today I am wise,

So I am changing myself

Jalal al-Din Rumi

There is much talk about the world entering the age of Aquarius which will bring much change. To me, we seem to be a world in change already. The pandemic paused the world’s population for many months bringing about changes in where people wanted to live and how they wanted to work. Change has continued at a brisk rate with war in the Ukraine demanding nations speak to each other and collaborate, the economic ripple from the war is causing financial challenges in public services, companies and for individuals. read more

Hello my spiritual friends

Humanity, of which we are all a part of, is being presented with an opportunity for change – hopefully for the better. Now is a great opportunity for development and healing at the personal, family, community, national and global level.

Yet here we are physically isolated in our homes, unable to share our thoughts, experiences and steer from our own soul or perhaps our guides.

‘Working-from-home’ or not working at all, has slowed the pace of life and given you an opportunity to reflect on what is really important in your life. read more

Life is such a challenge: need some help?

Life and living standards have increased. You would think that this would make life easier, but I do not believe this is the case.

Life is very different from when I was young. With five adult children and many nieces and nephews, I see how the young run their lives.

Life is faster, more complicated plus there are greater physical distances between people as they travel or move for work.

I believe history will write up the 21st century as a revolution. The 19th and 20th centuries were an industrial revolution. The 21st century will be a technology and environmental revolution. Cleaner energy will become available, more effective health care and healthier life styles. read more

Does life look greener on the other side of the fence?

Should you make the jump to get the other side of the fence and enjoy the new, lush pasture?

In this broadcast Alison Wem gives 3 tips on evaluating whether to make the leap over your fence, whatever your fence is.

Learn to take action from a position of knowledge and wisdom rather than a whimsical desire for change.

Listen to Alison Wem here

If you have a question or want to book an appointment with me, Alison Wem, for intuitive life guidance, creative therapy or mediumship, contact me Here read more