Have you been touched by one of the 3Ds: divorce, death, debt?

January is the prime time in the year for having to face one of the 3Ds – divorce, death and debt. After the extended festive period many couples realise their relationship has run its course. Or the cold weather takes a few people to the After Life. Or significant debt catches up with people who have over extended themselves and Christmas is the final straw that breaks the camels back.

Perhaps you have hit one of life’s 3 Ds – death, divorce/separation, debt. All of these are big life changing moments. You realise life will never be quite the same again. How do you handle such a moment and where do you find the strength to move forwards? read more

I want to change my life

Lasting change happens one small step at a time.

What simple change might you choose to make so your life feels more fun or satisfying?  

My life can feel very hectic, so I have promised myself I am going to attend a colleague’s mid-week meditation. It is 45 minutes of pure calmness. It is something I do for my soul and me. We love it.

What will your treat be?

Keep it simple. It doesn’t have to cost much either. Suggestions might be a lovely, long hot bath to relax in, a walk in the park alone enjoying observing and feeling nature around you, reading a good book, listening to music. The list can be quite extensive…. read more