Soul Map templates – FREE

Soul maps are a visual representation of you and your life. You are the circle in the middle and the circles in the outer rim represent all of the important people in your life. These may be family, friends, colleagues and neighbours.

Choose a soul map template that feels most like your family – do you have a big or small inner circle, are there key people in your family that others congregate around? Choose what feels right for you.

Colour your template to make it your own soul map. You colour your geometric shapes in much the same way children paint by numbers. Make a picture that pleases you. read more

Emotional energy as a colour

In an earlier post we spoke of anger being an energy which some people can feel.  As we develop and increase our conscious awareness, people start to see emotions as colours.

Emotional energy can also express an intention.  The intention can relate to a person, group of people such as a class, a nation or even a planet.

For those with sufficient conscious awareness, the intention can be felt or seen as a colour.  To develop this level of awareness, you repeatedly practice feeling and understanding this energy initially on an individual person.  When this skill has been achieved, it is possible to develop the ability to interpret intentions emanating from a group. read more