Soul Centred Consciousness: Liberation from Within

by Jeremy Turner-Welch

The way in which we locate solutions to our inner problems can drastically affect our daily lives.

The more these solutions are located outside yourself, the more your sense of self-worth and confidence becomes linked to external factors and the approval of others. For then you may believe: “if they praise me, I am likeable”, “if I get this job, I am talented”, or “if I avoid relationships, I won’t be hurt again.” This can cause you to employ apologetic, avoidant, defensive or domineering behaviours to control the outside world simply to maintain a positive self-image and belief that you are ‘good enough’. Sadly, this often leads to feeling anxious, fearful, frustrated or overwhelmed. read more

Believe your life challenge is too large?

We all have a tendency to feel sorry for ourselves. Nobody has everything. Even the rich and the successful have their challenges. If you followed them home there may be problems with infidelity, a sick child or perhaps fear of redundancy.

Matilda was from a successful family. She had become a successful teacher but the role had long hours and was burning her out and causing her problems with her boyfriend. She made the decision to change career. However to make the change she would have to take a salary cut. Fearful of telling her parents, she confided in her grandad. To her surprise he said; read more

3 tips to silence your internal critical voice

We all have an inner voice which many of us chat to for years without know who they are. I like to call it my ‘Inner You’. Others call it a different name depending on their beliefs – sub-conscious, higher self, soul. I like ‘Inner You’ as it is more familiar and is also secular.

How do you find your Inner You? It can be your greatest friend, always with you in good times and bad. Yet many of you experience your inner voice as highly critical which can affect your self-esteem and erode your self-confidence so that you do not feel able to act. read more

3 tips on keeping positive about your life

How does life feel to you?

Are you feeling a little down about life, comparing yourself unfavourably with others or curious about ideas to make life better?

Alison Wem offers 3 tips on how you can look at your life from a more positive perspective. Just knowing the tips can help you to feel more in control of your life. For many feeling their life is not their own can be a depressing thought.

Start to change that today by taking a step towards consciously steering your own life. It can be a liberating feeling. You are never too old or too young to try something new. read more

Mindfulness: tips on how to maintain it at work

There is lots of dialogue about being mindful at work but what does this really mean?

For centuries mindfulness was only used in the domain of seekers and monks. However lately in companies around the world it is being used for Training & Development, relationship building and stress reduction.

What simple practices can you undertake to help you in the workplace?

We all need a good way of reminding you to stay in the present moment and be calm in the middle of a hectic, fast pace working day. read more

Taking the leap: is fear holding you back?

Typically our lives move forwards in fits and starts. When things are on an even keel, it takes courage to make a change to reach our next phase of personal development. A change can come in many forms, or example; committing to a relationship, having another child or a new job.

Fear can freeze us both mentally and physically. It stops the flow of life. But fear is in the mind and is not real.

Analyse with you mind what you think is the best way forward. Then trust your heart to tell you if it feels right. If your heart answers to the negative – do nothing, stop and consider other options. Your heart and your ‘inner you’ will always know what is right for you. This may not be the same thing as what is right for other people such as parents or partners. read more

Creating Your Soul Map Workshops

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Are you looking to feel more connected to those you love? Or perhaps you want to feel more alive, vibrant and healthy? Or maybe you are simply looking to find a deeper meaning or richness to your life?

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Understand your ‘inner you’ to achieve a happier life. Make an honest self assessment of who you are.  Explore your inner wisdom to guide where you are going with your life and your transformation. read more