Soul Map templates – FREE

Soul maps are a visual representation of you and your life. You are the circle in the middle and the circles in the outer rim represent all of the important people in your life. These may be family, friends, colleagues and neighbours.

Choose a soul map template that feels most like your family – do you have a big or small inner circle, are there key people in your family that others congregate around? Choose what feels right for you.

Colour your template to make it your own soul map. You colour your geometric shapes in much the same way children paint by numbers. Make a picture that pleases you. read more

Your Soul Family Autumn 2018 Programme

As the autumn approaches and the days become shorter and chillier, we turn our thoughts to more internal pursuits.

Are you seeking a healthier, happier and more rewarding life? Bring some calm into your busy and perhaps stressful life to learn more about who you are and where your life is going.

Tap below to view the programme.

Take a look at Your Soul Family’s new autumn programme of relaxing events which help you to know more about yourself.
  • Take a taster event with an intuitive selection of a Soul Family template to paint for relaxation and messages from your loved ones.
  • Take a workshop to learn how to create your own soul map. Enjoy the relaxation of painting it and learn to use it in a reflection for ongoing calmness.
  • Soul families life in soul communities much as in our physical lives. Learn to create your community picture and paint it for relaxation.
  • Your Soul Family Foundation evening course of discovery including relaxing meditations, exercises and Soul Family techniques to develop your intuition. Starting in January, express an interest now as we need a minimum number to ensure it runs

All of the events are good for reducing stress and helping you to manage your life. You can do them just for relaxation or you can learn more about yourself, the life lessons you are learning and discovering who is in your eternal soul family. Either reason is equally good.

Already done the workshop to create your first soul map? read more

Understand the bigger picture of your life: Discover your Soul Community

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Need a treat for yourself? 

This day is just the thing for you. You get a whole day to let the child in you out. You cut out geometric shapes and stick them to brown paper to create the framework of your picture. Painting this picture brings in a calmness many long to experience. Often you gain insight into relationships and life lessons beyond your immediate Soul Family. It is a great way to understand challenges and manage stress in your life. read more

Leadership mindset: achieve clarity, inspiration and vision

Bringing calmness into your life: team members’ well-being and good mental health are key to a high performing workforce. However, the reality is that many people at work today experience feelings of being overwhelmed, not able to get through their ‘today’s task list’ and worried about keeping on top of everything.  Individuals can become anxious Sunday evening as they think about the return to work on Monday.

If you cannot run harder you need to run smarter. 

Once you find your calmness: you will never want to be without it

When you finally address the need for ‘calmness’ in your life, you realise that making time for silence is essential to your well-being.

For example, having driven 1.5 hours to work on fast and busy roads I pause for just a couple of minutes in my car before I go into the office. My team is always surprised at how cheery and energised I am.

Even a brief time of just ‘being’ can re-charge and re-energise you in what is often a hectic working day.

The quality of your thinking returns and your productivity and creativity soar. read more

Creating Your Soul Map; e-book launched

NB; Instructions on obtaining the Kindle reader app is at the end of this article.

Thank you everybody who pre-ordered my book on Amazon.  I really appreciate your support in helping me to get the mighty Amazon engine working for me.

When I uploaded the book it was number 56,342 in my genre!  Wow now that is a challenge to get the book seen.  Just through the pre-orders this moved to number 20,335.  How good is that!!

If you have not looked at the book, now is your chance.  The book is fully launched so you can use the Amazon ‘look inside’ facility to sample the first chapter.  Creating Your Soul Map provides techniques to know yourself better and to build your personal calmness so you can operate more effectively at work and at home.  It is a short book which introduces these new techniques, the background on the templates to aid choosing and gets you started. read more