Brexit: why is there so much anger?


On the evening that news was breaking of Mrs May, UK Prime Minister, agreeing to a draft Brexit deal, I was driving to see friends who live a 1.5 hour drive away. I listened to Mrs May’s speech outside Downing street and the immediate reaction on the journey out. On the drive back I listened to a late night chat show with members of the public giving their views.

What I noted was an overwhelming emotion of anger. All were angry – the extreme Remainers, the extreme Brexiteers and everything in between. How could all be angry with the same deal? Mrs May has an unenviable job of trying to draw people together to reach an agreement. read more

Taking the leap: is fear holding you back?

Typically our lives move forwards in fits and starts. When things are on an even keel, it takes courage to make a change to reach our next phase of personal development. A change can come in many forms, or example; committing to a relationship, having another child or a new job.

Fear can freeze us both mentally and physically. It stops the flow of life. But fear is in the mind and is not real.

Analyse with you mind what you think is the best way forward. Then trust your heart to tell you if it feels right. If your heart answers to the negative – do nothing, stop and consider other options. Your heart and your ‘inner you’ will always know what is right for you. This may not be the same thing as what is right for other people such as parents or partners. read more

Divorce: do you live with the fall-out from another person’s failed relationship?

One of the greatest gifts you can give a child is a happy childhood.  Sadly divorce happens.  The impact goes far wider than the couple who have decided to split – their children, parents, aunts, uncles and wider family, friends and new partners.

The true impact of divorce is often not spoken of in a family and can continue for many tens of years after the decree absolute.  Even new partners and their families can be caught up in the web of emotions.  There are those awkward family gatherings when you are not sure who to invite and if everyone will get along alright. read more