Secrets of understanding yourself

From my earliest years I happily chatted to someone inside of me not knowing who they were. Knowing no difference, I assumed everybody else did too. Many children do the same until they are seven when the practice seems to fade. I was a sickly child and spent much of my time in bed. A simple cold would send me to bed for a week to wait for my immune system to kick in. Bored and a little lonely, I kept my practice of chatting to my internal friend going throughout my growing up and into my adult years. read more

Feeling jaded?: Mother Nature can assist

So often we are so busy with our lives – work, partners, family and friends that we forget to do something for ourselves. I am as guilty of this as anyone else. Since I stepped out of corporate life three years ago, Your Soul Family has been with me on holidays, festivals and family time. I have never been strong with defining my boundaries and I needed to take a look at how I was living.

At the beginning of July my husband suggested a trip to France to look for a new home. France is a large and beautiful country. On previous trips we had narrowed down the areas we were interested in. At the last moment we decided to go camping, something I have not done since my 20s. We bought some kit and the tent only arrived the day before we left. We had no time to practise pitching it before we needed to do it for real to sleep in it. read more

Irene Gloux: Spirit Art workshop

What a fantastic workshop Irene gave on using spirit art to understand who is trying to communicate with us and to receive some messages. No artistic skills were needed. However we all managed to draw portraits which looked life like and recognisable by ourselves or the person we were working with.

We did other exercises looking at ourselves from different perspectives, our energy over our lifetime, our aura and sunsets with messangers and messages. Everyone created beautiful pictures which were meaningful to themselves. read more

Dream job. True Love. Happy family. How to have it all in 2019?

Feel as good as a bird in full flight…..

I’m so glad we’re together in this bright New Year.

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably spent some time reflecting on the year that was, and on your goals for the new year – your VISION for what you want.

But how do you turn that vision into a real, living, breathing, reality?

Maybe you’re focusing on one important goal. Or maybe you’re dreaming extra big this year. You’re going to really go for it! Marry your soulmate, add another zero to your savings fund, ​and fit back into your skinny jeans. read more