Spiritual development: Dark Night of the Soul

Spiritual development is often a solitary journey. As a psychic medium, I just followed my intuition and let it guide me where I needed to go. However I didn’t always understand what was happening to me.

The Dark Night of the Soul can be particularly dramatic and it can help to understand what is happening to you. I cross referenced literature to try and gain an understanding including;

  • the teachings of the Tibetan channelled by Alice Bailey
  • William Meader’s Shine Forth plus his video lectures giving a simplified version of the Alice Bailey teachings,
  • Michael Newton’s Destiny of Souls
  • Various texts about Kundalini.

People seldom talk about their spiritual development. It is a personal journey with your soul and Spirit. I did wonder what other people were experiencing. I found a lovely writer Patricia Williams who speaks of her experiences and gives words of wisdom on managing your own Dark Night of the Soul. read more