Private Soul Map Reading

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Find a better way of living your life with intuitive life guidance from Alison Wem. Learn to move beyond a challenge or difficulty to live a happy, contented and fun-filled life.

Sit with Alison to learn some of the messages your ‘inner you’ is trying to share with you.  Through your Soul Map you can receive life guidance to help you to know yourself better and assist with your challenges and Life Lessons to be more effective at work and live more harmoniously at home. read more

Feeling tired? Take this simple action to balance your energy

Remembrance Sunday for the end of World War I is this weekend. Personally I had not fully appreciated the scale of the losses and the impact on many communities. I was moved by a map of Newcastle which showed a red dot for each person who died. I was amazed at how many there were in each street. Some households must have lost father and sons. I cannot begin to imagine how you cope with such overwhelming losses.

The ‘Shrouds of the Somme’ exhibit by Rob Heard installed at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London conveys the scale of loss at the Battle of the Somme. There is a sea of shrouded dolls with each one representing an individual whose body was not found after the battle. The figures go on and on and is a poignant reminder of the impact of war. read more

City gardening: do you like to get your hands in the soil?

Humans were not meant to be so remote from Mother Nature as perhaps many of us are who live in towns and cities.  In the UK, councils have started to set-up allotments on spare pieces of land perhaps besides a railway or between roads.  Some councils have chosen to allow residents to grow vegetables where formerly municipal flowers were planted.

In London where I live, I have managed to get an allotment allocated to our family.  To help children learn where their food comes from, the allotment only allows 20% of your patch to be given over to flowers.  The council gardeners encourage you to grow flowers that attract bees such as sun flowers or nasterchiums whose flowers you can eat in a salad. read more

Meet Alison Wem: 13th April 2018, South Kensington, London

Meet Alison Wem

at the College of Psychic Studies,

16, Queensberry Place, South Kensington, London E12 6UN

The College is holding an Open Evening on Friday 13th April 2018.  Alison Wem will be giving two taster, psychic mediumship sittings, 5.30 and 6 pm, and circulating in the Lecture Hall afterwards.  This is your chance to meet Alison for an informal chat. It is a good evening and excellent for trying out different approaches plus meeting college students and tutors.

Join us for a fun evening of demonstrations, taster readings, food and drink and the chance to meet like-minded people. read more

Mother Nature: heals your soul

Living in a town or city it is too easy to slip into an urban life and lose touch with nature.  Yet it is while experiencing nature that often we feel more alive, happy and well.  Many people pursue a sport such as sailing, canoeing or horse riding that brings you close to nature. However staying in touch with nature can be as simple as a walk in the park.  It can be equally exhilarating as jumping a hedge with a horse.

Last week on my daily walk the sky opened and it poured with hard, thunder rain. I had a choice of turning for home or continuing to the park.  I went for the park and I was not disappointed. read more

Your Soul Family – one year old

Your Soul Family – one year old!

Next week it will be a year since I left my corporate job to pursue Your Soul Family (YSF). My aim is to help others find a calmness and sense of completeness for a happier life using YSF techniques.  YSF helps you to take an honest look at yourself, to explore your inner wisdom in order to guide where you want to go.

I left work with what I thought was a publishing ready book and a publisher showing interest in it.  My year has taken many twists and turns with some highs and lows… It certainly has not been boring; in fact I have learnt so much and am continuing to learn.  This really is a whole new career. read more

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