Emotional energy as a colour

In an earlier post we spoke of anger being an energy which some people can feel.  As we develop and increase our conscious awareness, people start to see emotions as colours.

Emotional energy can also express an intention.  The intention can relate to a person, group of people such as a class, a nation or even a planet.

For those with sufficient conscious awareness, the intention can be felt or seen as a colour.  To develop this level of awareness, you repeatedly practice feeling and understanding this energy initially on an individual person.  When this skill has been achieved, it is possible to develop the ability to interpret intentions emanating from a group. read more

Expressing emotions

Are we really separate?

20th century man was adamant that each person is an island and we live our lives in separateness.  In the 21st century we have started to challenge this idea.

Think what it is like to be in a room with a person who is angry or disapproving of you.  It is an uncomfortable place.  You can feel their anger without them even saying a word.  Emotions, especially strong ones, create an aura of energy around the person which you can feel and some people can see.  If we can create and project energy with our minds that others can feel and read, we are not discreet and separate. read more

Exploring sound as an energy

Chanting meditation: is sound an energy that can be used to increase our connection to the ‘inner you’, our families, our communities, the universe?

The material world is made up of matter which breaks down to atoms and protons. Protons are light and the ultimate energy source. Sound and the vibrations it makes are also energy. Therefore can sound as a form of energy influence people and the environment in which it operates? 

Are we connected to one another?

Can someone else read your emotions?    

20th century man was adamant that each person was an island and we lived our lives in separateness. The 21st century has started to challenge this idea. Think what it’s like to be in a room with a person who is angry or disapproving of you. You can feel their anger without them even saying a word.

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