What is Spiritual Development?

What is the Difference between Personal and Spiritual Development?

Personal development: is the conscious pursuit of personal growth by expanding self-awareness and knowledge and improving personal skills.

Spiritual development: relates to fundamental questions about the meaning and purpose of life which affect everyone, and is not dependent on a religious affiliation. Spiritual development is not about becoming more spiritual, it is about realising or becoming more and more aware of one’s natural, innate spirituality. read more

Secrets of understanding yourself

From my earliest years I happily chatted to someone inside of me not knowing who they were. Knowing no difference, I assumed everybody else did too. Many children do the same until they are seven when the practice seems to fade. I was a sickly child and spent much of my time in bed. A simple cold would send me to bed for a week to wait for my immune system to kick in. Bored and a little lonely, I kept my practice of chatting to my internal friend going throughout my growing up and into my adult years. read more