Fear is in the air: What hope is there for us?

When fear is all around you as it feels to be at the moment, it is easy to inadvertently absorb it.

What can you do?

You are not defined by others’ actions but rather by how you respond. You may not be able to control your circumstances, but you can control your reaction. I would like to think I chose hope over fear. No matter what is happening, I would always hope;

  • tomorrow will be a better day than today
  • compassion for others will prevail
  • good decisions triumph over bad ones

When I want to remind myself of the power of hope to our individual survival, I reread the book;

Man’s Search for Meaning: the classic tribute to hope from the Holocaust read more

Who’s in your kitchen?

By Jeremy Turner-Welch

Thoughts and beliefs are blueprints your mind and body seeks to fulfil. So, it’s always good to consider the reality you are currently creating.

Imagine yourself about to make a delicious soup. The cooking pot is on the stove and you turn to get the ingredients when, suddenly, a group of people from your life appear. Some are well known to you: family, friends, colleagues, past teachers; others you encountered more briefly. Each person leaves something for your soup before disappearing as quickly as they came. read more

Covid-19: is it providing us with an opportunity to permanently change our lives?

Is Covid-19 creating a burning platform for change?

While it may not go away totally and we will have to learn to live with it, Covid-19 has forced us to change the way we are living and to consider what is important to us.

Loved ones are at the top of our prioritises – not unsurprisingly. Leading a simpler life has been a new experience for some and has made people question whether they need all of their ‘things’. Nature is valued more. Relationships and happy experiences enrich our lives. read more

How was your lockdown?: chaotic, insightful, challenging….

Here in the UK lockdown has been eased so we can get back to ‘normal’ or perhaps I should say ‘new normal’. The date we started this process was the 4th July. There is a certain irony with this being Independence Day in the US.

How was your lockdown?

Mine was not what I was expecting. I thought I would be happily writing articles, creating and learning to edit videos to share with you. It was quite the opposite. I felt quiet and reflective. Fortunately I am a great believer in meditation so I retreated from the outer world to explore my inner landscape. A common question from my husband is; read more

Feeling Your Emotions – FREE e-book

Feeling Your Emotions: hope – inspiration – love was written during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown in the Spring of 2020. A conversation between Alison Wem and her friends who are healers, mediums and a spirit artist but are also husbands, wives, parents and adult children observing and experiencing the pandemic. This is a very international group of friends with 5 countries and their respective cultures represented.

A whole range of feelings are expressed; fear, anxiety, uncertainty in a changed world, but more importantly there are messages of love, caring, support and humour which in themselves provide hope, inspiration and love. read more

Hello my spiritual friends

Humanity, of which we are all a part of, is being presented with an opportunity for change – hopefully for the better. Now is a great opportunity for development and healing at the personal, family, community, national and global level.

Yet here we are physically isolated in our homes, unable to share our thoughts, experiences and steer from our own soul or perhaps our guides.

‘Working-from-home’ or not working at all, has slowed the pace of life and given you an opportunity to reflect on what is really important in your life. read more

Fear: 2 steps to moving beyond fear

Fear of something is often worse than the doing of it

Throughout our lives we face challenges.  This is how we learn and grow.  However extreme challenges can bring fear which is a very paralyzing emotion.  It prevents us from feeling and acting naturally.  How do you step through fear and be yourself?

We have all felt fear at some time in our lives.  Perhaps it was of our first day at school, a new job, loss of a partner or being made redundant at work.  The anticipation leading up to the event is often the most fearful period.  Yet when the event happens you do mange to move through it and come out the other side. read more