Have you been touched by one of the 3Ds: divorce, death, debt?

January is the prime time in the year for having to face one of the 3Ds – divorce, death and debt. After the extended festive period many couples realise their relationship has run its course. Or the cold weather takes a few people to the After Life. Or significant debt catches up with people who have over extended themselves and Christmas is the final straw that breaks the camels back.

Perhaps you have hit one of life’s 3 Ds – death, divorce/separation, debt. All of these are big life changing moments. You realise life will never be quite the same again. How do you handle such a moment and where do you find the strength to move forwards? read more

3 steps to hear your messages of love and support

It’s good to be able to hear your messages as they make you realise you are never really alone. But how do you go about learning to hear them?

To hear your messages, you will need to find and explore your intuition.
It is through your intuition your messages will arrive.

What is your intuition?  For me this is like an internal radio receiver and sender. It is a communication mechanism we all have which is available for you to use. Contrary to what we may have been taught, we are not designed to be alone but rather to be connected to other people.

There are 3 easy steps to learn to use your intuition;

Step one is to learn to find your centre of inner calmness, usually around the heart area, and see what messages are arriving. read more

The Power of Love

2022 has brought in lots of change for all of us.  On the world stage political leaders are changing, war, worries on inflation and the cost of living, even Mother Earth is feeling change.  There is much debate on whether there is climate change in process but it is a fact that glaciers and the artic ice is melting.  So, something is changing whether we like it or not.

As individuals we may not be able to influence events on the world stage.  However, your reaction to these events is affected by your state of being.  read more