How Relationships Shape Your Health: A Holistic Approach to Well-Being

In today’s fast-paced world, where technology and individualism often dominate, the importance of relationships in our lives can sometimes be overlooked. Yet, from a holistic perspective, relationships are not just a social necessity, they are a vital part of your overall health and well-being.

The connections you forge with others can have profound effects on your physical, emotional, and mental health, making it essential to understand and nurture them.

Are you giving enough attention to your relationships? read more

What do relationships bring you?

Our lives are made up of a range of relationships. Your earliest relationships are with your parents and siblings. As we grow, they include friends, fellow students, wider family, neighbours, lovers, managers, colleagues and many others.

We chose to be born into this life to learn life lessons.

Life lessons are not about acquiring material wealth but more about how you behave with other humans, animals and nature.

It is my belief that some of our greatest challengers and difficult relationships are our greatest teachers. read more

Rumi’s Reflections: Alison Wem’s Journal – Day 5

Greed makes man blind and foolish,

And makes him an easy prey for death

                                                                                        Jalal al-Din Rumi

There are some among us who choose to worship the great god ‘Money’. I have observed that when they have achieved wealth, far from bringing great joy, it brings more work and worry on how to retain it.

Everyone needs a comfortable and safe home, food and warm clothes for their personal well-being. Anything beyond that is a luxury. The time and energy it takes to achieve this ‘luxury’ can make you poor. Poor in time and energy to focus on your relationships, personal study and just enjoying the gift of life. read more