Rumi’s Reflections: Alison Wem’s Journal – Day 3

Take someone who doesn’t keep score,

who’s not looking to be richer, or afraid of losing,

who has not the slightest interest even in

his own personality: He’s free.

Jalal al-Din Rumi

This is someone who can just be. Do I just want to ‘be’? Having no agenda is good and very relaxing. But I came into this body for a purpose. I am afraid I may fail, so I am not fully the person Rumi describes. All I can do is my best. No-one can ask more of me than that. No-one seeks to fail. read more

Covid-19: is it providing us with an opportunity to permanently change our lives?

Is Covid-19 creating a burning platform for change?

While it may not go away totally and we will have to learn to live with it, Covid-19 has forced us to change the way we are living and to consider what is important to us.

Loved ones are at the top of our prioritises – not unsurprisingly. Leading a simpler life has been a new experience for some and has made people question whether they need all of their ‘things’. Nature is valued more. Relationships and happy experiences enrich our lives. read more

Are you enjoying your life?

I am a firm believer that;

Life is for living and enjoying

Yet it is not always easy to do this. Life can feel full of challenges.

No-one has everything.

Some people may appear to be wealthy and happy but if you follow them home, there may be challenges of fidelity, not being able to conceive a child, health problems and fear of loosing their wealth, position or power. In my experience everyone has at least one challenge in their life as we try to learn our life lessons.

How you respond to your challenges determines who you are and how you live your life. read more

Do you feel constrained?: how to achieve your heart’s desire

You Are as Free as You Allow Yourself to Be

Many people feel constrained in their life.  It can be for many reasons – a relationship, job, where they live……

However we are in charge of our own life and what we do with it.  The world is at your feet and you can decide how you want to live in it.  Oh I hear you say; I cannot do that because……