Feeling sad when everyone else is happy?

Sadness often goes hand-in-hand with loneliness. You can feel lonely in an unhappy relationship, family or city. Humans are tribal by nature so loneliness is the hardest of conditions. I experienced loneliness as a widow in my 40s. With two children life was very busy but inside I had an aching loneliness. I count my blessings that I fell in love again and my husband came with a large, boisterous and loving family.

Over Christmas and the New Year festivities many of us have enjoyed time with friends and family – even if there were some irritations along the way. Sadly many have spent this time alone. Or a person who normally lives alone, who has spent time with people, is now faced with going home to a lonely life. How daunting is that? read more

Christmas is nearly here: feeling panicky?

Sadly preparation for Christmas can send many people into a panic. All those presents to find for the people most important to you in your life. How will you find something that brings joy, sends your love and shares some truths on life and living.

Don’t make it hard for yourself. Help is at hand. 

Here are a few inexpensive books that make great presents for those who are curious about life. Be the person to ignite your loved ones curiosity and help them to achieve a greater awareness of who they really are. read more

Can great rugby and great Italian food be combined?


In the final match of the series, England will play South Africa on 20 November 2021 in what will be the first meeting between the sides since the Rugby World Cup 2019 final. This also sees the Springboks back at Twickenham Stadium for the first time since 2018, England edging that game 12-11.

Great Italian food will be served at the match from a vintage Ape Piaggio food truck by Spaggetti on the Road 

Take a look at their fantastic menu that combines the “street“ gastronomic tradition with the Italian cuisine and always ensuring a high quality standard. read more

Soul Map: 7 steps to understanding you and your life

Examples of student soul maps

Need a soul map?

For Alison Wem, that realisation came in the early hours as, newly widowed with children and a demanding job, she confronted her anguish – and found a space of calmness and route to strength, love and guidance.

Follow 7 easy-to-do steps to create your soul map, a route to your ‘inner you’– your sub-conscious mind, higher self or soul, depending on your beliefs.  Gain insight into who you are and where your life is going. Identify who is on this journey with you and how you are helping each other with learning life lessons. read more

What is in a smile?

Are you back into the pressure of the working week? It is amazing what a smile can do for you.

When I was growing up, my Mum always used to say to me;

Smile at the world and it will smile back at you.

Having moved to London, I have found few people smile at you in a city. My nieces, who grew up in the Scottish Highlands and now work in London, confirmed that they find the same. It is very unlike home where people smile and say ‘Good morning’. One of them said they were determined to keep smiling at people to see how many she could get to respond. What an excellent idea! read more