Your kitchen: is it a place to work or relax in?

A kitchen is often the centre of a home. For women, typically it is a place of work where they prepare meals, do the ironing, help children with their homework or do other domestic chores. For me I also write my blog sitting at the kitchen table. It is not a room I would think to relax in.

All of that has changed since I found Onitani at the London Mind, Body, Spirit exhibition earlier in the year. They gave a live demo of their healing music and I felt compelled to buy their CD. Now at the end of the working day I put their music on in the kitchen when I prepare dinner. It changes my work room into one for relaxation. My sometimes tired or hassled brain relaxes and then my body loses its tension. It makes me a better dinner companion.  Music can definitely change your mood and make you feel more relaxed. read more

Don’t Believe the Multi-tasking Hype: Train Your Brain to Focus Better

Feeling life is tough at work to just get something completed?

In today’s world we are constantly distracted with emails, texts and instant messages. It is hard to maintain your focus and attention sufficiently to get something done. This impacts your productivity. What should you do about it?

Train your brain to maintain focus and attention and you will be able to get back into your task after an interruption much more quickly. Meditation re-trains the brain to maintain attention. The basic action in meditation is to focus on your breadth and whenever your mind wanders off, to bring it back to your breadth. Just 10 minutes a day can make an appreciable difference. read more

Soul Community picture: take a look at our first examples

I believe that soul families live in soul communities.  This is the first soul community picture that I painted.  It is about a metre square and took me months to create the framework, choose the colours and paint it.  Although I was slow, it gave me many hours of relaxation and calmness. Much more information about myself, my soul family and soul community came to me. My inner you and me had much fun.

At last Saturday’s workshop we created our first soul community pictures. I was really impressed with the speed at which the students tackled their task. I did wonder if they would get the same flow of information moving at such speed. They certainly did! We had some great discussions on what their pictures meant to them. read more

City gardening: do you like to get your hands in the soil?

Humans were not meant to be so remote from Mother Nature as perhaps many of us are who live in towns and cities.  In the UK, councils have started to set-up allotments on spare pieces of land perhaps besides a railway or between roads.  Some councils have chosen to allow residents to grow vegetables where formerly municipal flowers were planted.

In London where I live, I have managed to get an allotment allocated to our family.  To help children learn where their food comes from, the allotment only allows 20% of your patch to be given over to flowers.  The council gardeners encourage you to grow flowers that attract bees such as sun flowers or nasterchiums whose flowers you can eat in a salad. read more