Healing: tips on helping it to happen

Relax and know that healing can help no matter what the state of your health is at the time. It often works silently away without you being away of it. It is not just for the time you might have a healing session or do a healing meditation. When you ask for help it does arrive.

Having worked as a healer for many years, my observations and tips on healing are;

  • Relax and allow the healing to happen. Your soul knows you well and will guide the healing you need. It will silently continue long after your healing session. Healing often comes with messages of love and support from those you love who have already passed. They were always there for you and continue to be there for you, people such as parents and partners.

Healing will take place whether you believe in it or not.

  • Practice relaxing techniques such as taking three deep breaths or walking in nature alone. Illness often brings worry and anxiety, so anything that helps you to relax is worthwhile. It is hard to live from a place of anxiety and fear.

Learn to live from a place of calmness.

  • Even if you know you are terminally ill, healing can help you to relax. It brings in a calmness so you might enjoy the time left to you. There is often a significant reduction in the pain normally expected with your illness. I have heard clients say when they receive healing, they feel truly at peace. But importantly, receiving healing ahead of passing helps to build a stronger bridge between your loved ones in spirit and those on earth. As you start to transition from earth your communication to loved ones in spirit is clearer. When you have passed, you are more easily able to help your grieving loved ones you left on earth.

No healing is wasted.

Healing offers you the opportunity to live the best life you can. Life is a gift and it’s for living and enjoying. read more