Grieving over the loss of a loved one?

All of us experience grief at some point in our lives. When we experience it for the first time, it can come as quite a shock. It is often not talked about so it is hard to know how to deal with it.

When someone you love dies it can leave a big hole in your life. It can feel like life is no longer worth living. If there has been an illness and anticipation of death, you may have had the opportunity to say the important things you wanted to say such as how much you love each other or maybe forgiveness for a perceived wrong. read more

Feeling sad when everyone else is happy?

Sadness often goes hand-in-hand with loneliness. You can feel lonely in an unhappy relationship, family or city. Humans are tribal by nature so loneliness is the hardest of conditions. I experienced loneliness as a widow in my 40s. With two children life was very busy but inside I had an aching loneliness. I count my blessings that I fell in love again and my husband came with a large, boisterous and loving family.

Over Christmas and the New Year festivities many of us have enjoyed time with friends and family – even if there were some irritations along the way. Sadly many have spent this time alone. Or a person who normally lives alone, who has spent time with people, is now faced with going home to a lonely life. How daunting is that? read more

2023! What can you expect from the coming year?

January brings a fresh start: simplify your life to allow more space for joy….

At the moment there is plenty in the world to worry about – inflation, energy crisis, war, mortgage and rent increases. Many of my friends have said they have stopped reading the news as much of it promotes fear or is depressing.

You are part of humanity and your behaviour has an impact whether you consciously recognise it or not. You are part of the collective consciousness of humanity and therefore contribute to steering our journey.

World calamities give us good reasons to change. Some call it the ‘burning ground’ and it’s a driver for doing things differently from the past. read more

Women: Do Christmas with the minimum fuss

The approach to Christmas can be a challenging time. Women are often the main organiser of school costumes for nativities, other social events, presents, and the food preparation for the day. Of course this is on top of normal daily activities. It is not a wonder many women are tense over the pre-Christmas period. Do you recognise the scenario?

However there are things women can do to help themselves. Lets look at some tips for the woman of the house…..

Tip #1  Stay calm – remember that the people coming on Christmas Day are friends and family. The day is not a test, they love you. Everything does not have to be perfect, only you want that.  Do not be afraid to delegate tasks. read more

How are we coping with so many people dying of Covid-19?

Grieving for a loss or trying to support someone who has lost a loved one?

All of us experience grief at some point in our lives.  When we experience it for the first time it can come as quite a shock.  It is often not talked about so it is hard to know how to deal with it.

In the UK over 100,000 people have passed as a direct result of catching Covid-19. On average for each person who passes, 8 – 10 people feel the loss of them in their lives.

The population of the UK is approximately 68m people and up to 1m of them are currently grieving. Many of them are young adults who did not expect to loose a parent so soon. 1m people is nearly 1.5% of the population, so probably all of us know someone who has lost a loved one and is grieving. The UK is not the only country in this situation.

What can we do to support the grieving?

How was your lockdown?: chaotic, insightful, challenging….

Here in the UK lockdown has been eased so we can get back to ‘normal’ or perhaps I should say ‘new normal’. The date we started this process was the 4th July. There is a certain irony with this being Independence Day in the US.


How was your lockdown?

Mine was not what I was expecting. I thought I would be happily writing articles, creating and learning to edit videos to share with you. It was quite the opposite. I felt quiet and reflective. Fortunately I am a great believer in meditation so I retreated from the outer world to explore my inner landscape. A common question from my husband is;

Are you meditating?

Periodically I was quite forcefully pulled back to the physical world to manage a builder I had engaged who was not living up to his accountabilities. This enormous contrast between my inner and outer landscape created tensions and emotions yet surprisingly gave me clarity and insight.

I felt the need to validate my feelings and to seek out the purpose of the virus. It is my belief it is not our enemy but is bringing possibilities for change in what we feel is important in our life and how we might choose to live it. I am really sorry for the pain and suffering the virus has brought some people, but grateful humanity is being given a chance to re-consider our future and whether our direction needs adjusting.

To help me with my thoughts, I started an email conversation with my healer and medium friends who are used to exploring their inner landscape to see what they were experiencing.

This conversation gave all of us support and love through friendship. With fear and anxiety all around us it brought messages of hope, inspiration and love. We have collated the conversation along with some beautiful paintings created by our spirit artist, Irene Gloux, into a short FREE ebook. There are many different views and ways of expressing them. No one person has the whole truth but together perhaps we get nearer to it.

Have a read and see whether it resonates with you or whether your experience was quite different. Read here

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If you relate to this article and need some more help and guidance in your life – get in touch with Alison. Here are her contact details.

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Available via a video call for a private appointment.