Is it my spirit guide I am talking to?

Who is sending you lovely uplifting messages of love and guidance?

How do you recognise who is speaking to you?  Is it your spirit guide talking to you or perhaps your own soul or a passed loved ones?

Understanding who is communicating with you can help you to understand the message. Each communicator will come with a different feel. Over time you will recognise the different energy between a guide or a loved one, much as you can recognise different people’s faces.

The most important thing is that the message is positive and uplifting. If the message is critical or negative. Do not listen to it as it is most likely your ego speaking to you. Stop the process of trying to discern the message and try again another day. read more

3 steps to hear your messages of love and support

It’s good to be able to hear your messages as they make you realise you are never really alone. But how do you go about learning to hear them?

To hear your messages, you will need to find and explore your intuition.
It is through your intuition your messages will arrive.

What is your intuition?  For me this is like an internal radio receiver and sender. It is a communication mechanism we all have which is available for you to use. Contrary to what we may have been taught, we are not designed to be alone but rather to be connected to other people.

There are 3 easy steps to learn to use your intuition;

Step one is to learn to find your centre of inner calmness, usually around the heart area, and see what messages are arriving. read more