Are you or someone you love lonely?

On the whole, other people are not very interested in what you do. Yet naturally humans are tribal. They feel happier and safer living in groups, be it family or a community.

Are you or any of your loved ones lonely?

With population movement becoming common for career opportunities and to find affordable housing, family groups are becoming scattered.

People are becoming more dependent on community or good neighbours.

It takes time and effort for a community to form and grow. Community is not only your local area but can embrace groups of likeminded people such as an interest in yoga, football, history and many other interests. read more

I feel so alone….

When life is really challenging, sometimes we can feel really alone. Typically, this is at times of change. Most commonly this is as a result of one of the three Ds – divorce, debt and death. Sadly, more than one of these can happen at the same time.

How do you cope when you feel very alone with a big challenge, like one of the 3 Ds?

Your greatest friend and guide at times like this is your soul. Many people don’t realise they are in contact with their soul. I spoke to mine for years not realising who he was. read more

Who loves you unconditionally?

Who gives you unconditional love when you need it most?

We all need unconditional love at some point in our lives.

Life can be full of challenges.

When you have lost something or someone you love and value, is when you are most likely to need comfort and support. Perhaps you have lost a child, partner, home, business or a job. All can leave you feeling bereft and upset as if your whole life is falling apart.

Even in adulthood, you can often crave your mum or someone else special whom you loved as you were growing up. From as early as you can remember, your mum was the one who picked you up when you had fallen over. read more

Is it my spirit guide I am talking to?

Who is sending you lovely uplifting messages of love and guidance?

How do you recognise who is speaking to you?  Is it your spirit guide talking to you or perhaps your own soul or a passed loved ones?

Understanding who is communicating with you can help you to understand the message. Each communicator will come with a different feel. Over time you will recognise the different energy between a guide or a loved one, much as you can recognise different people’s faces.

The most important thing is that the message is positive and uplifting. If the message is critical or negative. Do not listen to it as it is most likely your ego speaking to you. Stop the process of trying to discern the message and try again another day. read more