Feel good: tips on being uplifted

It is very easy to worry over challenges in your life until you do not feel good. In this state it is all too easy to lose perspective and make the challenge seem even larger than it really is.

How do you relax and get your mind and body back into balance?

Here are some tips on finding balance in your life enabling you to regain perspective. Life will not seem so scary when you are able to truly appraise your challenges.

Music and dance

When we dance together, we repeatedly practice taking steps together to stay in tune with the music, the energy around us gains greater harmony and so collaboration is easier, and agreements are more likely to be adhered to. read more

Is it my spirit guide I am talking to?

Who is sending you lovely uplifting messages of love and guidance?

How do you recognise who is speaking to you?  Is it your spirit guide talking to you or perhaps your own soul or a passed loved ones?

Understanding who is communicating with you can help you to understand the message. Each communicator will come with a different feel. Over time you will recognise the different energy between a guide or a loved one, much as you can recognise different people’s faces.

The most important thing is that the message is positive and uplifting. If the message is critical or negative. Do not listen to it as it is most likely your ego speaking to you. Stop the process of trying to discern the message and try again another day. read more

Happiness: 5 thoughts for the coming month

Happiness is on the inside

Just looking at this picture makes me feel good.  You can feel the joy of this young man having fun in the shower.

Some tips on finding your personal happiness;
  1. One small positive thought when you wake-up can change how you feel for your entire day. What a great way to start your day
  2. Tell yourself; Today I refuse to stress myself out over things I cannot control or change. Let them go and enjoy the things in your life you can control. Make sure they are really what you want in your life.
  3. The best things in life are free: hugs, smiles, friends, kisses, family, sleep, love, laughter and good memories. Put plenty of them in your day
  4. Happiness can be as simple as; meeting an old friend after a long time and feeling that nothing has changed.
  5. I am stronger having learnt from my mistakes.  Happier because I have known sadness and learnt how to improve how I feel on the inside.

It is within your control to choose happiness.

Life without laughter is not living. Smile at the world and it will smile back at you. When you walk down the street, smile at the people walking towards you. Even in a city like London where I live which can be an anonymous place, total strangers will smile at me and even ask how I am when I practice smiling. It makes me feel good inside. read more