3 tips to silence your internal critical voice

We all have an inner voice which many of us chat to for years without know who they are. I like to call it my ‘Inner You’. Others call it a different name depending on their beliefs – sub-conscious, higher self, soul. I like ‘Inner You’ as it is more familiar and is also secular.

How do you find your Inner You? It can be your greatest friend, always with you in good times and bad. Yet many of you experience your inner voice as highly critical which can affect your self-esteem and erode your self-confidence so that you do not feel able to act. read more

Grief and hope: how do they go together?

Grieving is the process of saying goodbye to something or someone you valued. When we talk about grief most people think of the death of a loved one. However many life events cause a loss, for example being made redundant, divorce, selling of your childhood home, death of a pet.

Unexpectedly widowed in her 40s, Alison found herself alone with two children and a demanding job. She speaks of the emotions she experienced and the 4 step Grieving Process she went through.

A key technique at Your Soul Family is to ask the question; read more

Private Soul Map Reading

Tel: +44 7966 137568  Email: alison.wem@yoursoulfamily.com

Find a better way of living your life with intuitive life guidance from Alison Wem. Learn to move beyond a challenge or difficulty to live a happy, contented and fun-filled life.

Sit with Alison to learn some of the messages your ‘inner you’ is trying to share with you.  Through your Soul Map you can receive life guidance to help you to know yourself better and assist with your challenges and Life Lessons to be more effective at work and live more harmoniously at home. read more

Finding Your Soul Family: FREE advance copy?

Finding Your Soul Family – the second book in the Your Soul Family series is due to be published as an e-book and print book before Christmas.  This book is about getting back in touch with your ‘inner you’ for calmness. Great for managing anxiety and stress in your life plus finding out more about yourself.

Get an advance print copy to provide your feedback before it is published.

Part 1 contains many of the exercises used in Your Soul Family workshops along with student feedback and examples plus a case study.  It has easy to do steps to design and build your soul map enabling you to find a place of calmness, connect with your ‘inner you’ to re-discover your personal wisdom and to create more harmony in your life. read more

Petra Knickenberg comes to the UK

All truly great thoughts are conceived with walking

Freidrich Nietzsche

Intuitive Beach Coaching in Eastbourne – Saturday 20th October 2018

Ready for new horizons? Come along and join me on this powerful, enriching beach walk on England‘s South Coast.

Whatever is currently happening in your life – step by step you will discover your path.

Enjoy the fresh air and sandy beaches. Listen to the sound of the waves, the seagulls and your inner voice. Find answers to questions that are important to you at the moment. Be ready for a new wind of change, transformation, and growth. read more

Soul Map Foundation Course

Tel: +44 7966 137568  Email: alison.wem@yoursoulfamily.com

6 week evening course to gain more insight into yourself, your soul family and where your life is going.

Sessions open with a relaxing meditation to help remove any tensions from the day. The class undertakes a variety of exercises and Soul Family techniques to develop your intuition and connection with your sub-consciousness, higher self or soul depending on your beliefs.

We call it your ‘inner you’.  Your ‘inner you’ will provide insight about you, your life lessons and your personal wisdom. read more

Soul Maps come to Aschau, Germany

Aschau im Chiemgaun is the perfect place to inspire you to do some self discovery. The scenery, food and people are wonderful. In Aschau there is so much opportunity to walk in nature and to relax, reflect and meditate.

Petra Knickenberg and Alison Wem held a three day event with Soul Map private sittings, a demonstration and a workshop in the beautiful Winter Garden at the Zum Baumbach hotel in Aschau.

On Friday evening, there was a stir of excitement in the air in the Winter Garden where nearly 50 people gathered for a demonstration of Soul Maps by Alison Wem of Your Soul Family. It was the alternative event for the local beer festival. No pressure to make it a fun event! (Petra and Alison did get a chance to sample the delights of the beer tent on Saturday evening….) read more

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