Your Soul Family goes international!

This weekend I will be packing up my Your Soul Family workshop material to travel to Germany. I am so excited! I will be giving a demonstration on Soul Maps, private sittings and an introductory workshop in ‘Creating your own Soul Map’. It is an action packed agenda and will be great fun. Petra Knickenberg is hosting the event in Aschau, a beautiful village in Bavaria. Thank you @Petramariaknickenberg.

Everything we do brings fresh opportunities to learn. Of course I am typically English and do not speak another language well. Perhaps that is something I should change. However next week I will be learning to work through an interpreter. In this global era, I believe it is a good skill to have. The more individuals from different countries talk, the better we understand each other. This can only be good as we start to think of a country by the people we have spoken with, rather than by the country’s reputation or political leader’s comments. It is much harder to dislike a person than a country. It is wonderful to see and experience another country’s culture including their people, food, houses and everything else that comes with it. read more

ABC of love: m is for meditation

Meditation is a precise technique for resting the mind and attaining a state of consciousness that is totally different from the normal waking state. It is the means for fathoming all the levels of ourselves and finally experiencing the centre of consciousness within.                    Swami Rama

Typically people either follow a guided meditation which often visualizes a calm and beautiful place in nature or they focus on their breath – ‘in’ to bring in harmony, new vitality and peace, ‘out’ to release anything that is unwanted or unpleasant. read more

Soul Community picture: take a look at our first examples

I believe that soul families live in soul communities.  This is the first soul community picture that I painted.  It is about a metre square and took me months to create the framework, choose the colours and paint it.  Although I was slow, it gave me many hours of relaxation and calmness. Much more information about myself, my soul family and soul community came to me. My inner you and me had much fun.

At last Saturday’s workshop we created our first soul community pictures. I was really impressed with the speed at which the students tackled their task. I did wonder if they would get the same flow of information moving at such speed. They certainly did! We had some great discussions on what their pictures meant to them. read more

Mother Nature: can nature’s music release our souls?

Your ‘inner you’ or soul can feel constrained by your body in your earthly life.  Yet nature’s music can relax, inspire and bring clarity of thought to you.

I believe your ‘inner you’ can travel on sound such as water and music.  You can go beyond your body and re-experience the freedom you have in the Afterlife.

This is why humans respond so strongly to these sounds and find them relaxing and sleep inducing.

In sleep a part of you returns home for advice, guidance and inspiration on your life and its challenges. read more