The ‘Power of Knowing’ leadership techniques

It is hard to be a great chef when you have never experienced a fantastic meal, looked at a recipe or felt the ingredients. You can learn the techniques to be able to lead yourself and your teams.

Enabling change from the inside out: to do this you need to gain insight into your strengths, potential need to change certain habits, the values you hold and determine your goals.

7 steps to achieving success:

  1. Know yourself – Identify what stage you are in your leadership and life. What you have learned so far? Have you acquired any bad habits? Discover what change is needed.
  2. Gain insight on your strengths that you can build on and identify weaknesses that need to be dealt with. Develop the art of becoming the ‘detached observer’.
  3. Focus and Intention – Learn the power of focus and intention. Where your energy goes things happen. But are you focusing on the right things? Clarifying your purpose and develop your personal compass for the next stage in your life and leadership.
  4. Values and Purpose – Identify the values that are connected to your purpose. These guide and influence your choices, decisions and relationships, plus shape your character as a leader
  5. Vision for the Future – Create the vision of what you want your future to look like. Learn to clarify your priorities in key areas of your life – professional, family & friends, yourself.
  6. Overcome Obstacles and Challenges – Explore the obstacles and challenges that need to be dealt with for you to achieve your vision. Identify root causes of old patterns that are compromising your success.
  7. Goals, Strategy and Action Plan – Define your goals, strategies and action plan to achieve your vision of the next chapter in your life. Learn how to sustain your energy, commitment and enthusiasm for the direction you choose.

Now bring your vision into reality

Alison Pooley-Wem – life coach, author and leadership consultant, MBCS CITP, former Business Transformation Director, IT Director, Programme Director who led major transformation programmes for corporate and multi-national organisations such as Amey PLC, Christies. News UK. read more

Meet Alison Wem: 13th April 2018, South Kensington, London

Meet Alison Wem

at the College of Psychic Studies,

16, Queensberry Place, South Kensington, London E12 6UN

The College is holding an Open Evening on Friday 13th April 2018.  Alison Wem will be giving two taster, psychic mediumship sittings, 5.30 and 6 pm, and circulating in the Lecture Hall afterwards.  This is your chance to meet Alison for an informal chat. It is a good evening and excellent for trying out different approaches plus meeting college students and tutors.

Join us for a fun evening of demonstrations, taster readings, food and drink and the chance to meet like-minded people. read more

Creating Your Soul Map

Creating Your Soul Map: Connect with your soul

Series: Your Soul Family Book 1

calmness – harmony – wisdom

Buy here

Find a better way of living your life with intuitive life guidance. Learn to move beyond a challenge or difficulty to live a happy, contented and fun filled life.

Learn the techniques to know yourself better and to build your personal calmness so you can operate more effectively at work and more harmoniously at home.  This introduction to these new techniques gets you started through easy to follow steps.

Creating Your Soul Map takes you through the 7 steps to construct your first soul map.  No artistic skills are required.  You colour a geometric shape, much as you used to do as a child when you learnt to paint by numbers.  As you colour your soul map you can feel the calmness come in. The Your Soul Family logo is one of these pictures. read more

Relief of finding calmness

Sometimes life’s challenges feel overwhelming.  Challenges are opportunities to learn life lessons.  They are not meant to be so hard that they break you, but they are meant to be ‘challenging’.  This is sometimes needed to get you to listen.

When you feel overwhelmed; step back, take a few deep breadths and re-assess the situation you find yourself in.  Listening to the calm, rationale voice within you.  It can be enlightening.  You will be surprised at how objective and fair that voice is.  However it can take some diligence to hear the voice over your anger, frustration or fear. read more

Creativity and emotions

Creativity – an expression of the soul within us all

Art, music, poetry all play with our emotions of sadness, laughter etc. and are found in all countries and all cultures; expressed from our hearts rather than our heads, it reflects our ‘inner you’.

The Who, Hyde Park, London 2015

The Who, Hyde Park, London 2015

At a concert in Hyde Park, London, UK I was struck by the backdrops of light and images the bands had chosen. The Who in particular had a grand display of psychedelic patterns and images. Perhaps the musicians, who are highly creative and strongly connected to their ‘inner you’, have half remembered memories of life between lives. read more

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