Innovation: is your company staying ahead?

Are you and your company innovating?

Today’s dynamic marketplaces necessitate that leaders perpetually innovate to remain competitive.  Successful companies – such as Microsoft and Apple expect innovation and leadership at all levels, bringing the benefits of;

  •  improved performance
  •  innovation in everything that is done
  •  inspired teams that deliver great things.

Kill the myth that innovation is something somebody else does.

 A mindful leader is someone who embodies leadership presence by cultivating focus, clarity, creativity and compassion to reach common goals that maximize the well-being of all stakeholders. read more

Unilever Wellbeing Zones

Gone are the days when resting on the job was considered lazy and unproductive. Recent Psychological and scientific studies say sleep health leads to greater employee innovation, productivity, job satisfaction and quality of life.

Well done Unilever for launching a Wellbeing Zone at your corporate offices – a space for mindfulness, meditation, rest, and recovery. Read more in the article below. read more

New style leadership

Increased automation leads to new style leadership

In the UK we need to be competitive but we also need to improve our productivity.  To achieve both we need to take a fresh approach to our leadership style.

At a Big Data conference given by @cloudera: Bernard Marr, bestselling author and leading business and data expert, stated how the pace of business processes automation is accelerating.  For example; sports commentaries originally written by journalists are now written by a computer by analysing the photos of match play and the players’ performance and strategies – truly amazing. read more