Does your intuition really give good guidance?

Intuition has been recognised over the ages as a ‘gut feeling’ which lets you know if something is not right. Intuition can be much more than an alert mechanism. For me it is a beacon which you can use to listen to messages of guidance from your soul, guide and spirit. It works two ways, so you can ask questions too. Over time you will learn to distinguish the different feel of you soul, guide and spirit so you will know who you are talking to.

How do I feel my intuition?

The messages are not usually in words. They come more as a sensing or knowing. You may also start to see situations or people through your mind’s eye. When I was first training as a medium, I used to look at people with human eyes. But as I learnt to use all of my senses, I started to use my mind’s eye which is the 3rd eye chakra between your brows. It can look more deeply and give you more insight into what is happening in your life. My 3rd eye then connected with my heart and I could feel in my heart what was right. This is why when you ‘speak from your heart’ people hear the truth and authenticity of what you are saying. If you look at public speakers when this moment arrives, without realising it, they often put their hand on their heart. read more

William Meader: May 2023 London Events

As the saying goes ‘Variety is the spice of life’.  When you are seeking to understand the world you live in, your place in it and who you are; variety of approach is good.  By trying different approaches you might find that one gives you greater insight than another.  However many people find it difficult to find authentic people who can show them their approach.

I have spent the last 20 years seeking out such people.  I have been William’s student for the last 5 years.  I have found him helpful in my personal and spiritual development. Of course you need to decide if he is right for you. For me the Esoteric Wisdom he teaches gave me a framework in which my spiritual development is taking place. I found this gave me a sense of where I was and reassurance there are others travelling the same route as me. read more

William Meader: 2023 London events

William is respected and influential teacher of Esoteric Philosophy. He holds an MA in Psychology and a PhD in Esoteric Philosophy. William presents seminars, workshops and lectures worldwide, as well as regular webinars.

William uses his gifts as a communicator of this philosophy to nurture a deeper understanding of the spiritual path, both from an individual and global perspective.

William – author of Shine Forth, the Soul’s Magical Journey and the recently published Supernal Light, a Compendium of Esoteric Thought  – is dedicated to promoting the spiritual journey and evolution of human consciousness. read more