Men: 3 tips for surviving Christmas

The approach to Christmas can be a challenging time. Not only is it a busy time for the person preparing the Christmas Day celebrations, but tension can run in families where couples do not agree on the style of celebrations. Do you recognise the scenario?
Lets look at some tips for the man of the house….. Tip #1  Remember your partner is doing their best to make Christmas a joyous and happy time for all. A little encouragement can go a long way. Tip #2 Rather than complain about the amount of money being spent, try to find some alternative treats or better still make or cook some. Tip #3 Try not to be grumpy if the treats you want are not the same as those your loved ones want. Flexibility at least for Christmas Day will bring family harmony. Apologies for these suggestions to the men who are encouraging, relaxed about the money being spent and flexible with doing what the rest of the family wants on Christmas Day…… 3 tips tomorrow for women on surviving Christmas.

Can great rugby and great Italian food be combined?


In the final match of the series, England will play South Africa on 20 November 2021 in what will be the first meeting between the sides since the Rugby World Cup 2019 final. This also sees the Springboks back at Twickenham Stadium for the first time since 2018, England edging that game 12-11.

Great Italian food will be served at the match from a vintage Ape Piaggio food truck by Spaggetti on the Road 

Take a look at their fantastic menu that combines the “street“ gastronomic tradition with the Italian cuisine and always ensuring a high quality standard. read more


Many people have asked me if I think there is a purpose behind Covid-19. I believe it is offering us learning and healing on so many levels. The Spring lockdown was like humanity pressing the ‘pause’ button. Most of us were restricted to our homes with little external stimulation. It gave us time to reflect on who and what was important to us in our life.

As a result many people are choosing to live their life differently.

Certainly in London there is a building trend of people deciding to live outside of the city where there is more space and nature. They are limiting their work time in the office and commuting only when necessary.

I am truly sorry if you or your loved ones have been directly impacted by Covid-19. It can be a traumatic experience and is not to be trivialised. However the pandemic has created a ‘burning platform’ globally to inspire humanity to change. Human activity is affecting Earth and all that lives there.

During the pandemic I have seen great acts of kindness and it has strengthened communities. In my opinion there is great value in these changes.

In my own small way I have reached out to my community of spiritual friends and through the lockdown we had discussions on the purpose of the virus, how we were feeling personally and provided each other with support and encouragement. If you are feeling a desire to see what others are feeling and thinking take a look at the free book of our collated conversations. It includes wonderful pictures by my friend Irene Gloux depicting hers and humanity’s progression through the pandemic.


Our home, Mother Earth, is in our hands. Together we can make it a good place for our children and grandchildren. read more

Believe your life challenge is too large?

We all have a tendency to feel sorry for ourselves. Nobody has everything. Even the rich and the successful have their challenges. If you followed them home there may be problems with infidelity, a sick child or perhaps fear of redundancy.

Matilda was from a successful family. She had become a successful teacher but the role had long hours and was burning her out and causing her problems with her boyfriend. She made the decision to change career. However to make the change she would have to take a salary cut. Fearful of telling her parents, she confided in her grandad. To her surprise he said;

We love you for who you are not what you are. All we want is for you to be happy and healthy.

After one false start, Matilda is now happily working in a new career and has a new boyfriend too!

I believe your back grows broad enough to bear the challenges you are faced with. You will not be given a challenge that you cannot cope with, even if it means making the decision and having the strength to walk away from it.

Find the strength to look your challenge in the face.

Frame it with hope rather than despair and you might be surprised with what you discover. Admittedly you might have to either;

  • accept the situation for what it is,
  • just let it go,
  • take action to move yourself to a different and better place.

By taking control of the situation and deciding how you will re-act to it will give you confidence in yourself. read more

Hints and tips on refreshing yourself over the summer

Leading a stressful life and need some love? Listen to Alison Wem’s video with hints and tips on what you can do about it. Many of us lack the ideas on how to look after ourselves better. Alison will give you some practical and easy suggestions for you to consider.

Watch here

If you relate to this article and need some more help and guidance in your life – get in touch with Alison. Here are her contact details.

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