ABC of Love: n is for night

Sometimes we need to go into the dark to find the Light.

The Light is always with you but sometimes in the day time you cannot see it.

During our lives we will all experience a dark night. It may be through loosing someone or something we love or perhaps illness or financial worries.

Your Light can arrive in may forms. A few kind words of encouragement or perhaps a helping hand may arrive bringing you light in your darkest moments.

The greatest Light you can shine in your dark night is ‘self love’. It can bring encouragement, hope, self-assurance or just a knowing that you will get through your dark night and arrive in a lighter place. read more

All in life is not what it seems….

Have you ever made a fool of yourself and wondered how it happened?

We are all trying to do the best we can in our lives but sometimes it does not feel good enough. Need some encouragement?

Listen to Alison Wem’s live broadcast on ‘All in life is not what it seems…’ She gives some encouragement and strategies in coping with the ups and downs of life.

Watch here

If you relate to the video and need some more help and guidance in your life? Get in touch with Alison. Here are the contact details. read more

Do you look at your life with hope or dispair?

Listen to Alison Wem’s discussion on the role despair and hope can play in your life.

It is often during the most difficult times in our lives that we learn the most about our selves and how we interact with others. Hope is a very powerful emotion. Alison discusses her belief on the impact it can have on your life and the life experience you create for yourself.

View the video here

If you have a question or want to book an appointment with me, Alison Wem, for intuitive life guidance, creative therapy or mediumship, contact me Here read more

Woman to Woman

I received the following from Menaca Joji, a friend and colleague who has written guest articles for Your Soul Family’s Life and Living blog. She received it from her Mum who lives in Sri Lanka. We both loved it. We do not know who wrote it so I am afraid I am unable to credit them. However we have followed their request to share it. We are very grateful for being reminded of all that is good in our lives.

Someone will always be prettier.

Someone will always be smarter.

Someone’s house will be bigger. read more

Ever felt everything is going wrong? 3 tips to improve your life

Ever had a time when everything you do seems to go wrong?

I know I have, and often I have no knowledge why this should be. When the flow of life is not working for you, I have found you are either doing the wrong things or approaching life in the wrong way. One of my problems is that sometimes I just try too hard! When I do this I get too tired and make mistakes. They can be small mistakes but they can have a BIG impact – like how I have spoken to someone and then I lose their co-operation. I seem to make mountains which I then have to climb. I get so cross with myself. read more

Men: the secrets of surviving Christmas

The approach to Christmas can be a challenging time. Not only is it a busy time for the person preparing the Christmas Day celebrations, but tension can run in families where couples do not agree on the style of celebrations. Do you recognise the scenario?

Lets look at some tips for the man of the house…..

Tip #1  Remember your partner is doing their best to make Christmas a joyous and happy time for all. A little encouragement can go a long way.

Tip #2 Rather than complain about the amount of money being spent, try to find some alternative treats or better still make or cook some. read more

Should relationships last a lifetime?

This is a big life question and there is no easy answer.

I have dared to give my views and guidance on how to improve your relationships. I believe we live our lives through relationships, so anything we can do to gain more insight into them can add quality to our lives.

Listen to the video and let me know your views – do the messages resonate or do you have a different view?

You will be glad to hear that this weeks video will be running from YouTube so the quality should be better.

Video – Should relationships last a lifetime?

Reflecting on the relationships in your life and what life lessons they may be trying to help you to learn is a key aspect of Your Soul Family. I will be releasing a free chapter from my new book, Finding Your Soul Family, which covers this topic.

Check at to get your copy.