Trust: how important is it in our everyday lives?

I suspect like many people, currently I am struggling with trusting people in power to do the right thing for the country. So often it seems that many of their actions are about personal positioning to remain in power rather than common sense to improve the quality of everybody’s life.

In the UK this has come into sharp focus with the Brexit negotiations. Much of what was promised is not in the exit deal. Were we not able to negotiate these items or has the Government broken trust? We all appreciate it is a negotiation so we will not get all that we want. To ensure trust is maintained, clear communications are required. read more

Black Friday: do you like to receive gifts at no cost?

Black Friday is nearly upon us again. Where has that year gone…

Is your inbox filling up with offers for Black Friday. Mine is without doubt. Have I been so click happy all year that I am now on so many email lists that I lost count?

My inbox is so full that I am finding it difficult to sift out the work and family emails from those that offer me a gift. It is driving me crazy.

When someone comes into your life unexpectedly, look for the gift that person has come to receive from you. To come into someone’s life is a privilege and comes with a purpose. read more

Understand the bigger picture of your life: Discover your Soul Community

Tel: +44 7966 137568  Email:

Need a treat for yourself? 

This day is just the thing for you. You get a whole day to let the child in you out. You cut out geometric shapes and stick them to brown paper to create the framework of your picture. Painting this picture brings in a calmness many long to experience. Often you gain insight into relationships and life lessons beyond your immediate Soul Family. It is a great way to understand challenges and manage stress in your life. read more

Book to meet with Alison

Tel: +44 7966 137568  Email:

Receive intuitive life guidance for where you are in your life. Learn to reduce your stress and achieve calmness for clarity of thought and well-being. Call or email today to book.   Book now

I was surprised how powerful these sessions were. They made me re-think how I viewed my life.

Carol, Guildford, Surrey

Carol had gone through a difficult divorce and now lives happily with her dog Buttercup.

Tel: +44 7966 137568  Email:     Book now read more

Menaca Joji: My journey from East to West

Menaca Joji

Guest author Menaca Joji shares her story of how she came to leave her beloved Sri Lanka and family in search of a safe home. This early experience has shaped the person Menaca is today. After successfully practising dentistry for over 20 years and building a practice in London, she now advises dentists on their client skills and how to build a successful business.

Menaca’s story reminds you that it is often through some of your greatest life challenges, you get the opportunity to meet some good and caring people. read more

ABC of love: k is for kindness

A little kindness goes a long way

Making your way in the world can be tough. I hear young people concerned about their careers, finding a partner or feeling left behind if their friends have married, bought a house or started a family. Others may have a sick child or a partner or be concerned they may lose their job. Older people can worry about approaching retirement and what it will mean to them.

There are so many worries about just living…..

Worries can lessen and seem more manageable with a little kindness from a loved one, a friend or even a stranger. Just talking about a worry can help. Providing an attentive, listening ear is a kindness. Being kind does not cost anything other than thoughtfulness and time. Words can be very healing. A few kind words of support can make a world of difference to the recipient. A thoughtful action, such as making someone a cup of tea at the end of a working day, can make the person feel loved and cared for. read more

Meet Alison Wem: 13th April 2018, South Kensington, London

Meet Alison Wem

at the College of Psychic Studies,

16, Queensberry Place, South Kensington, London E12 6UN

The College is holding an Open Evening on Friday 13th April 2018.  Alison Wem will be giving two taster, psychic mediumship sittings, 5.30 and 6 pm, and circulating in the Lecture Hall afterwards.  This is your chance to meet Alison for an informal chat. It is a good evening and excellent for trying out different approaches plus meeting college students and tutors.

Join us for a fun evening of demonstrations, taster readings, food and drink and the chance to meet like-minded people. read more