I feel so alone….

When life is really challenging, sometimes we can feel really alone. Typically, this is at times of change. Most commonly this is as a result of one of the three Ds – divorce, debt and death. Sadly, more than one of these can happen at the same time.

How do you cope when you feel very alone with a big challenge, like one of the 3 Ds?

Your greatest friend and guide at times like this is your soul. Many people don’t realise they are in contact with their soul. I spoke to mine for years not realising who he was. read more

Happy wishing for your coming year

Now is the time between Christmas and the start of 2024 to reflect.

What did you experience in 2023 and what would you like to bring in for you and your loved ones for 2024?

Think about the things that went well for you in the last year. For me 2023 was a mixed year. I made some good progress as an author publishing my third book and continued to grow the number of people who seek my assistance with personal and spiritual growth.  My greatest delight was the arrival of my granddaughter. As the saying goes read more

Families: how to make them stronger so they stay together?

In the UK and I suspect many other countries too, the school half term is now over.

How did the holiday break go with you and your family?

This includes grandparents and anyone else who may have been involved with providing child care for younger children or ‘entertainment’ for older ones in half term week.

Hopefully you all had a wonderful time. But if my memory of being a working mum serves me right, this was not always the case. There is often so much expectation of the fun of being together, but without the ground work already in place, anticipation can turn to disappointment, frustration and fatigue. read more

Men: 3 tips for surviving Christmas

The approach to Christmas can be a challenging time. Not only is it a busy time for the person preparing the Christmas Day celebrations, but tension can run in families where couples do not agree on the style of celebrations. Do you recognise the scenario?
Lets look at some tips for the man of the house….. Tip #1  Remember your partner is doing their best to make Christmas a joyous and happy time for all. A little encouragement can go a long way. Tip #2 Rather than complain about the amount of money being spent, try to find some alternative treats or better still make or cook some. Tip #3 Try not to be grumpy if the treats you want are not the same as those your loved ones want. Flexibility at least for Christmas Day will bring family harmony. Apologies for these suggestions to the men who are encouraging, relaxed about the money being spent and flexible with doing what the rest of the family wants on Christmas Day…… 3 tips tomorrow for women on surviving Christmas.

Who am I?: can I influence the world I live in which is so full of fear

Am I just flesh and bones?

Do you feel there is more to you than flesh and bones?

Well yes actually. I am more than my body. I have thoughts, feelings and dreams. I love my parents, my partner and my children even though they annoy me sometimes. Surely all of this is part of me as well as my body.

Your thoughts, feelings and dreams are all energy as much as your body. Have you ever felt your mother’s disapproval without her even speaking a word?

Well of course I have, especially when I was growing up.

You are an energy being and can sense and even read other people’s energy.

You are energy and according to the laws of physics, energy cannot be destroyed.

So what does that say about ‘Who I am?

Energy transforms itself when other forces are applied to it. For example; an acorn falls on the ground. A root grows into the earth and draws water and nutrients to enable a tree to grow. The acorn transforms this food into it’s first leaf which then adds energy to the plant from the rays of the sun. So the acorn grows into a strong tree with thick boughs and lots of leaves. Eventually the tree grows old and dies. The boughs fall to the grown but they retain the energy captured in the tree during it’s lifetime. Over millions of years the wood is compressed into coal. When you light the coal, it gives off heat, releasing the energy the tree captured over a million years ago. Energy transforms over time but is not destroyed.

Am I an acorn too?

You have chosen to bring your energy into a body for a limited space of time to experience a life. You are your body but you are also your soul, that inner part of you that experiences thoughts, feelings and love. Through your life you experience humanity from the perspective you have chosen by being born into this particular life. When you die you withdraw your energy from this body taking with you the memories and experience you have gained from that life.

Why would I do that?

In experiencing a life you are given the opportunity to learn and improve your behaviour, your reaction to events or how other people treat you. I like to call them life lessons. They are things such as the value of listening, defining your personal boundaries and holding them, being non-judgemental. As you learn these skills, they become your personal wisdom. We each have learnt a different composite of life lessons which is what makes each person unique.

That implies we bring into this life our personal bag of skills which then implies we have lived a life before. read more