Covid-19: is it providing us with an opportunity to permanently change our lives?

Is Covid-19 creating a burning platform for change?

While it may not go away totally and we will have to learn to live with it, Covid-19 has forced us to change the way we are living and to consider what is important to us.

Loved ones are at the top of our prioritises – not unsurprisingly. Leading a simpler life has been a new experience for some and has made people question whether they need all of their ‘things’. Nature is valued more. Relationships and happy experiences enrich our lives. read more

Soul Map: 7 steps to understanding you and your life

Examples of student soul maps

Need a soul map?

For Alison Wem, that realisation came in the early hours as, newly widowed with children and a demanding job, she confronted her anguish – and found a space of calmness and route to strength, love and guidance.

Follow 7 easy-to-do steps to create your soul map, a route to your ‘inner you’– your sub-conscious mind, higher self or soul, depending on your beliefs.  Gain insight into who you are and where your life is going. Identify who is on this journey with you and how you are helping each other with learning life lessons. read more

Hello my spiritual friends

Humanity, of which we are all a part of, is being presented with an opportunity for change – hopefully for the better. Now is a great opportunity for development and healing at the personal, family, community, national and global level.

Yet here we are physically isolated in our homes, unable to share our thoughts, experiences and steer from our own soul or perhaps our guides.

‘Working-from-home’ or not working at all, has slowed the pace of life and given you an opportunity to reflect on what is really important in your life. read more

Believe your life challenge is too large?

We all have a tendency to feel sorry for ourselves. Nobody has everything. Even the rich and the successful have their challenges. If you followed them home there may be problems with infidelity, a sick child or perhaps fear of redundancy.

Matilda was from a successful family. She had become a successful teacher but the role had long hours and was burning her out and causing her problems with her boyfriend. She made the decision to change career. However to make the change she would have to take a salary cut. Fearful of telling her parents, she confided in her grandad. To her surprise he said; read more

Is work about more than money?

Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone. Listen to Alison Wem’s views on how work takes you there and what you can gain from it. Know it consciously and get the greatest benefit from it.

Watch here

If you relate to this article and need some more help and guidance in your life Get in touch with Alison. Here are her contact details.

Click to contact me Here

Tel: +44 7966 137568  Email:

Available face-to-face or via video conferencing depending on location. read more

Families who eat together stay together

Its is Spring Bank Holiday in the UK so it seemed right to talk about families and how we can improve the time we spend together. My observation is there are many benefits from families who eat together.

In our busy 21st century lives, there is a trend towards families eating their meals from trays watching TV rather than sitting to a table and facing each other.  Likewise teenagers, if allowed, will take their food and eat in their bedrooms.

Eating a meal at a table together as a family strengthens the family bond.  Over the meal conversation will flow backwards and forwards between parents, between parents and children.  By sharing their day’s news, family members are more involved with each others lives.  This gives opportunities to support one another and for parents to guide a child. read more

Little in life is perfect: can ‘good enough’ be alright?

Are you seeking perfection in your life? Perhaps the perfect relationship, perfect children, dream job or the perfect spring day.….

It is hard going to be perfect in everything. In trying to be perfect, it can in itself cause your life to be less than perfect. So is it alright to be ‘good enough’ in some aspects of your life?

Listen to Alison Wem’s live broadcast on ‘Little in life is perfect: can ‘good enough’ be alright…’ She gives some perspective on living life and perfection. Learn the 80/20 rule and how it might apply to your life. read more

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