Should relationships last a lifetime?

This is a big life question and there is no easy answer.

I have dared to give my views and guidance on how to improve your relationships. I believe we live our lives through relationships, so anything we can do to gain more insight into them can add quality to our lives.

Listen to the video and let me know your views – do the messages resonate or do you have a different view?

You will be glad to hear that this weeks video will be running from YouTube so the quality should be better.

Video – Should relationships last a lifetime? read more

Private Soul Map Reading

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Find a better way of living your life with intuitive life guidance from Alison Wem. Learn to move beyond a challenge or difficulty to live a happy, contented and fun-filled life.

Sit with Alison to learn some of the messages your ‘inner you’ is trying to share with you.  Through your Soul Map you can receive life guidance to help you to know yourself better and assist with your challenges and Life Lessons to be more effective at work and live more harmoniously at home. read more

Finding Your Soul Family

Finding Your Soul Family: A guide to personal development

Series: Your Soul Family Book 2

calmness – harmony – wisdom

Buy here

Find a better way of living your life with intuitive life guidance. Learn to move beyond a challenge or difficulty to live a happy, contented and fun filled life.

In this book, Alison Wem offers a new approach to managing stress and anxiety in our 21st-century lives. Finding Your Soul Family provides you with techniques to help you know yourself better and to enhance your sense of personal calmness so you can be more effective at work and live more harmoniously at home. read more

Feeling tired? Take this simple action to balance your energy

Remembrance Sunday for the end of World War I is this weekend. Personally I had not fully appreciated the scale of the losses and the impact on many communities. I was moved by a map of Newcastle which showed a red dot for each person who died. I was amazed at how many there were in each street. Some households must have lost father and sons. I cannot begin to imagine how you cope with such overwhelming losses.

The ‘Shrouds of the Somme’ exhibit by Rob Heard installed at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London conveys the scale of loss at the Battle of the Somme. There is a sea of shrouded dolls with each one representing an individual whose body was not found after the battle. The figures go on and on and is a poignant reminder of the impact of war. read more

Life is for living and enjoying

Everybody’s life has its ups and downs. Even in the hardest of lives you can take pleasure in small things.

In a the middle of a busy business day I stepped outside for a few minutes to get some fresh air. Unexpectedly I was given an amazing display of a hawk soaring and swooping in the sky.  I could feel the air rushing in his face and the power of his wings guiding the air current to send him soaring above the hills. It was exhilarating and energizing just to watch.

Of course the hawk was hunting totally oblivious to his audience.  He was doing it with such energy and elegance I am sure he was having a wonderful time. I had to smile at his prowess. read more

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