Creating Your Soul Map

Creating Your Soul Map: Connect with your soul

Series: Your Soul Family Book 1

calmness – harmony – wisdom

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Find a better way of living your life with intuitive life guidance. Learn to move beyond a challenge or difficulty to live a happy, contented and fun filled life.

Learn the techniques to know yourself better and to build your personal calmness so you can operate more effectively at work and more harmoniously at home.  This introduction to these new techniques gets you started through easy to follow steps.

Creating Your Soul Map takes you through the 7 steps to construct your first soul map.  No artistic skills are required.  You colour a geometric shape, much as you used to do as a child when you learnt to paint by numbers.  As you colour your soul map you can feel the calmness come in. The Your Soul Family logo is one of these pictures. read more

Managing yourself for a happier life: the 3 Ds

Meditation is good for learning to go within, find a calmness and re-connect with your sub-conscious mind, higher self or soul depending on your beliefs.  I call it my ‘inner you’ as there is a familiarity with yourself.  Meditation is refreshing.  Afterwards your body feels less tense and your conscious mind clearer.  I often have my best thoughts after a meditation.  Meditation is almost as good as sleep and definitely a friend if you feel jaded and tired.

When you have made regular meditation part of your life and learnt to remain still for 20 minutes, what should you expect?  Most people are seeking a happier life, but what makes for a happier life? read more

YSF Autumn 2020 Programme

Group Class – via Zoom

Spiritual Development 

6 week evening course to gain more insight into yourself, your soul family and where your life is going. Commences on the 14th October 2020 via Zoom. No problem if you have missed the start date. Just make contact with Alison so she can prepare for you joining.

Book now £10 per session pay-as-you-go

Individual Sessions with Alison Wem

Private appointment – Soul Map reading

Receive a Soul Map reading from Alison Wem to help with the key messages your ‘inner you’ is trying to share with you.   Sessions held using Skype or face to face in London. You will need to choose a template, colour it before the session and send it to Alison. Book here read more

Open your heart like a beautiful rose

Learning a life lesson to open my heart like a rose: 2 steps to achieving it 

This week I drew an angel card to help me understand my purpose at this time in my life.  This is the card I drew.

The rose symbolizes many things including; abundance, beauty, clearing, blessing, dreams, emotional healing, friendship, protection, purification, romantic love, secrecy, self-love and spirituality.  There are lots of good things associated with a rose, so I should be pleased but…

The life lesson I am learning at the moment is to open my heart and trust that I will not be hurt even though past experience has resulted in disappointment and hurt.  It takes courage to open your heart, but without opening your heart you will not experience all the beauty and fullness that life has to offer. read more

Challenges: 1 step to making them easier

Challenges: 1 step to making them easier

Challenges arrive in your life to provide you with opportunities to learn and grow.  Through them you can learn important life lessons such as improving your communication, overcoming jealous love or learning to receive as well as to give.  However when faced with a new challenge you may feel daunted.  Know the feeling?

Sometimes the same challenge keeps appearing in your life.  Do you find that frustrating?  This will keep happening until you learn your life lesson and manage it better. read more

Learning resilience

A resilient person is someone who can manage uncertainty and recover from adversity well.

Learning to become a resilient person helps to develop your inner strength.  During your life, challenges and crises will inevitably hit you.  We cannot predict when they will come.  Challenges are opportunities to learn life lessons.  Having some resilience through an inner strength helps you to navigate your challenges and to learn from them.

The world is an increasingly uncertain place.  By developing resilience you will have the emotional strength to navigate your way through whatever arrives for you.  You may also have the resilience to help others through their challenges too. read more

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