Women: the secrets of surviving Christmas

The approach to Christmas can be a challenging time. Women are often the main organiser of school costumes for nativities, other social events, presents, and the food preparation for the day. Of course, this is on top of normal daily activities. It is not a wonder many women are tense over the pre-Christmas period.

Do you recognise the scenario?

Lovely as Christmas can be, it takes a lot of work to make it a success. Often all of those preparations are not recognised. Others may say

How hard can it be, its only one day! read more

What is the secret of mindfulness and good health?

Does easing overload and stress lead to greater health?

For many years there has been a debate on the health benefits of mindfulness meditation. My unscientific observation of students would indicate that those who regularly meditated seemed to have greater mental and physical health. Was I just being hopeful?

Early studies into the benefits of mindful meditation were inconclusive but there have now been more extensive studies undertaken. Jill Suttie has written a very informative article on the outcome of those studies. It is well worth the read.

Thank you @JillStuttie read more