What is the secret of mindfulness and good health?

Does easing overload and stress lead to greater health?

For many years there has been a debate on the health benefits of mindfulness meditation. My unscientific observation of students would indicate that those who regularly meditated seemed to have greater mental and physical health. Was I just being hopeful?

Early studies into the benefits of mindful meditation were inconclusive but there have now been more extensive studies undertaken. Jill Suttie has written a very informative article on the outcome of those studies. It is well worth the read.

Thank you @JillStuttie read more

Private Soul Map Reading

Tel: +44 7966 137568  Email: alison.wem@yoursoulfamily.com

Find a better way of living your life with intuitive life guidance from Alison Wem. Learn to move beyond a challenge or difficulty to live a happy, contented and fun-filled life.

Sit with Alison to learn some of the messages your ‘inner you’ is trying to share with you.  Through your Soul Map you can receive life guidance to help you to know yourself better and assist with your challenges and Life Lessons to be more effective at work and live more harmoniously at home.

A Soul Map is a visual representation of you and your life. Choose one of Alison’s Soul Map templates which you will briefly colour to make it your own Soul Map.  Alison will use your Soul Map and the meanings in the shapes and colours plus her intuition skills to draw out the meaning in your Soul Map.

Sessions are available face-to-face in London or over video conference for other locations.  Please email Alison at alison.wem@yoursoulfamily.com to arrange a time and location.

If video conference is being used, it is helpful to choose a template ahead of the appointment which you can colour and return.

Book now

Tel: +44 7966 137568  Email: alison.wem@yoursoulfamily.com

Black Friday: do you like to receive gifts at no cost?

Black Friday is nearly upon us again. Where has that year gone…

Is your inbox filling up with offers for Black Friday. Mine is without doubt. Have I been so click happy all year that I am now on so many email lists that I lost count?

My inbox is so full that I am finding it difficult to sift out the work and family emails from those that offer me a gift. It is driving me crazy.

When someone comes into your life unexpectedly, look for the gift that person has come to receive from you. To come into someone’s life is a privilege and comes with a purpose.

Be a gift to everyone who comes into your life and to everyone whose life you enter. How great would our world be if we each did this. Gifts do not have to cost anything. They can be an act of kindness, a hug when someone is finding life hard, a cup of tea at the end of a long and busy day.

In receiving a gift from you, the person is giving you a gift – the gift of experiencing who you are and fulfilling who you want to be.

Be careful not to enter someone’s life if you cannot be a gift.

If you have a question or want to book an appointment with me, Alison Wem, for intuitive life guidance, creative therapy or mediumship, contact me Here

Tel: +44 7966 137568  Email: alison.wem@yoursoulfamily.com

Available face-to-face or via Skype depending on location.

Irene Gloux: psychic artist

Join Irene Gloux this weekend at the Psychic Fare at Kempton Park, Ascot, Surrey, UK. She will be there at her stall offering spirit sittings. If you do not want to be disappointed book a timed slot when you first arrive.


Irene combines both her excellent medium and artistic skills to create a picture of who wants to give you a life guidance message, as well give you the message. How fantastic is that? You get to take the picture of your passed loved one home. What better way to confirm who is giving you the message. I believe it really validates the process and gives a sense of comfort.=&1=&

Meet Irene Gloux, spirit artist this weekend, 17 -18th November 2018

Irene Gloux.,Spirit artist and psychic medium

Any questions, contact Irene on glouxy48@gmail.com

Understand the bigger picture of your life: Discover your Soul Community


Need a treat for yourself? 

This day is just the thing for you. You get a whole day to let the child in you out. You cut out geometric shapes and stick them to brown paper to create the framework of your picture. Painting this picture brings in a calmness many long to experience. Often you gain insight into relationships and life lessons beyond your immediate Soul Family. It is a great way to understand challenges and manage stress in your life.

Price includes a signed copy of Creating Your Soul Map, the first book in the colourful Your Soul Family series. read more

Soul Maps come to Aschau, Germany

Aschau im Chiemgaun is the perfect place to inspire you to do some self discovery. The scenery, food and people are wonderful. In Aschau there is so much opportunity to walk in nature and to relax, reflect and meditate.

Petra Knickenberg and Alison Wem held a three day event with Soul Map private sittings, a demonstration and a workshop in the beautiful Winter Garden at the Zum Baumbach hotel in Aschau.

On Friday evening, there was a stir of excitement in the air in the Winter Garden where nearly 50 people gathered for a demonstration of Soul Maps by Alison Wem of Your Soul Family. It was the alternative event for the local beer festival. No pressure to make it a fun event! (Petra and Alison did get a chance to sample the delights of the beer tent on Saturday evening….)

At the demonstration everyone had a chance to colour a Soul Map which is a visual representation of you and your life. The template and colours the individual chose gives extra messages from their ‘inner you’. Your ‘inner you’ is your subconsciousness, higher self or soul depending on your beliefs. Alison calls it ‘inner you’ as it feels so much closer and more familiar. Many of us have happily chatted to our ‘inner you’ for years but just did not recognise who it was.

Attendees swapped Soul Maps and had the opportunity to give and receive some messages. Some lucky people received a Soul Map reading from Alison. There was much laughter when Alison described a life lesson in her map with a rather pushy but short New Yorker who was her manager some years ago. It was good to see everybody relaxed and happy. A life lesson is not about owning big houses and fast cars but rather about how we interact with other people for example; learning to listen, defining our boundaries and holding them.

The workshop on the Sunday sold out with 12 participants. The workshop included a relaxing meditation, exercises to facilitate remembering the key events in your life, designing and painting your own Soul Map. Alison gave individual Soul Map readings to clarify the information the participant’s ‘inner you’ was trying to convey. A beautiful array of Soul Maps were created with several people boldly designing their own Soul Map without using a template. One person, who joined us from the UK and had previously painted a Soul Map, created a Soul Community picture. In the physical world families live in communities like Aschau, or smaller communities like choirs, music bands,  mothers’ groups etc. Likewise soul families live in soul communities. Having understood the principles behind creating a Soul Map, you can go onto create a community picture. This is relatively new in Your Soul Family and you can view some examples here.

Everyone at the workshop agreed to share their Soul Map on the Your Soul Family website. We have now started an Aschau Soul Wall which we hope will expand over time. Do take a look it and feel the energy in it.

Aschau Soul Wall

Private sittings were also held throughout the event. Everyone had the choice of receiving messages in the traditional manner when you sit with a medium or to quickly colour a Soul Map to receive messages. Everyone chose to try a new experience and received messages through a combination of Soul Maps and traditional mediumship.


Throughout the three days Alison met some wonderful people and thanks Petra for introducing her to them and for all of her hard work in making the event a success.

Petra Knickenberg and Alison Wem thanks everyone for making the event such good fun. 

Dawn in Aschau

Life is for living and enjoying read more

ABC of love: k is for kindness



A little kindness goes a long way

Making your way in the world can be tough. I hear young people concerned about their careers, finding a partner or feeling left behind if their friends have married, bought a house or started a family. Others may have a sick child or a partner or be concerned they may lose their job. Older people can worry about approaching retirement and what it will mean to them.

There are so many worries about just living…..

Worries can lessen and seem more manageable with a little kindness from a loved one, a friend or even a stranger. Just talking about a worry can help. Providing an attentive, listening ear is a kindness. Being kind does not cost anything other than thoughtfulness and time. Words can be very healing. A few kind words of support can make a world of difference to the recipient. A thoughtful action, such as making someone a cup of tea at the end of a working day, can make the person feel loved and cared for.

Rarely does anyone set out to be unkind. Mostly it happens through thoughtlessness or a lack of time. So give your fellow human beings a thought and make someone’s day by a simple act of kindness.

This post is dedicated to everyone trying to practice kindness

We would love to hear from you.  If you have a question or want to book an appointment with Alison Wem for intuitive life guidance, creative therapy or mediumship, contact us Here

Available face-to-face or via Skype depending on location.

a is for angel                    is balance in life            c is for compassion




d is for dove                   e is for emotions           f is for family

g is for guide                   h is for home=&0=& is for inner peace




j is for joy                         k is for kindness




l is for …. see next week’s post