The Power of Love

2022 has brought in lots of change for all of us.  On the world stage political leaders are changing, war, worries on inflation and the cost of living, even Mother Earth is feeling change.  There is much debate on whether there is climate change in process but it is a fact that glaciers and the artic ice is melting.  So, something is changing whether we like it or not.

As individuals we may not be able to influence events on the world stage.  However, your reaction to these events is affected by your state of being.  read more

YSF Autumn 2020 Programme

Group Class – via Zoom

Spiritual Development 

6 week evening course to gain more insight into yourself, your soul family and where your life is going. Commences on the 14th October 2020 via Zoom. No problem if you have missed the start date. Just make contact with Alison so she can prepare for you joining.

Book now £10 per session pay-as-you-go

Individual Sessions with Alison Wem

Private appointment – Soul Map reading

Receive a Soul Map reading from Alison Wem to help with the key messages your ‘inner you’ is trying to share with you.   Sessions held using Skype or face to face in London. You will need to choose a template, colour it before the session and send it to Alison. Book here read more