Be the change…..

You must be the change you want to see in the world- Mahatma Gandhi

When you alter your thoughts, change your beliefs, how you feel and actions you take, you change the world around you. As your actions become your habits, your inner world shifts and you start viewing the world through the same lenses. What we see and how we experience the world is through our tinted glasses.

I might not be in control of what happens around me, but I am in total control of how I react to it. You are in control of how you think, feel, perceive and respond to someone or something around you.
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New style leadership

Increased automation leads to new style leadership

In the UK we need to be competitive but we also need to improve our productivity.  To achieve both we need to take a fresh approach to our leadership style.

At a Big Data conference given by @cloudera: Bernard Marr, bestselling author and leading business and data expert, stated how the pace of business processes automation is accelerating.  For example; sports commentaries originally written by journalists are now written by a computer by analysing the photos of match play and the players’ performance and strategies – truly amazing. read more