ABC of love: j is for joy

Experiencing Joy.

The sight and the sound of the sea always lifts my emotions and makes me feel good. Simple things like this brings me joy.

Are you Following Your Dreams?

Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed.  Everyone should have a dream of how they would like their life to be.  Dreams are made to be followed.

To enjoy your life to the full, it is important to take some steps, no matter how small they are, to achieving your dreams.

This post is dedicated to those struggling to find joy. read more

Music and emotions

“Every one of us needs to become more spiritual”

Vladimir Jurowski, Principal Conductor, London Philharmonic Orchestra

An inspirational and impassioned Russian conductor, Vladimir Jurowski’s latest concert series “Belief and Beyond Belief” with the London Philharmonic Orchestra delivers brilliant music which touches the audiences’ emotions.  In a recent interview with Ian Hewett, Jurowski said he believes;

“Music is so intangible; it is nothing but vibrations.  It points to a realm of extience outside the body, yet it affects our emotions so powerfully.  Nothing brings people together in collective meditation or prayer so well” read more