How do you choose the best New Year resolutions?

We have entered the last month of the year!

Traditionally you might give yourself some New Year resolutions on what you are going to do differently in the up coming year. Equally traditionally most people don’t keep to their resolutions beyond the end of January.

How can I choose resolutions which I am more likely to live up to?

You are guided not to rush your decision. They aren’t to be chosen quickly on New Year’s Eve as you welcome the New Year in. Quick decisions often lead to inappropriate or unattainable resolutions. read more

Who loves you unconditionally?

Who gives you unconditional love when you need it most?

We all need unconditional love at some point in our lives.

Life can be full of challenges.

When you have lost something or someone you love and value, is when you are most likely to need comfort and support. Perhaps you have lost a child, partner, home, business or a job. All can leave you feeling bereft and upset as if your whole life is falling apart.

Even in adulthood, you can often crave your mum or someone else special whom you loved as you were growing up. From as early as you can remember, your mum was the one who picked you up when you had fallen over. read more