Lives remembered: Crystal Pyramid in Ancient Egypt

As a young girl of about 6-7 years, I climbed with a man to an aperture high on a pyramid where we looked out across the land. It was warm and pleasant, early in the evening when the work of the day is done and everyone is looking forward to the meal of the evening. Family groups were gathering outside their homes.

With great love this man explained to me the important of knowledge and how it might help to keep the people and land we love well and healthy. He placed a small, crystal pyramid in my left hand and my hand became warm. read more

Life Lessons: why do you feel you have been somewhere before?

Many scientists believe that Man was much as we are now, in physical and neurological terms, as when we first appeared on Earth some 200,000 years ago. It is not know how we came about, but whatever it was, it brought the abilities of intuition, compassion, empathy, love and self healing.  Since those times humanity has been learning life lessons in order to lead better lives. A life lesson might be learning not to shout when annoyed, or to listen or to love oneself.

One lifetime is not long to learn such fundamental lessons especially if there is more than one. It seems very inefficient to spend a lifetime learning a lesson only for it to be lost when that person dies. In nature plants bloom, die and rise again the following spring. Taking a lead from nature, increasing numbers of people believe that while our bodies die our consciousness or souls survive death and go on to live another life. read more

Life lessons: do you know what yours are?

Life lessons are not about owning big houses or flash cars but about our personal qualities and our ability to relate to others. They may include such lessons as learning to listen to others or defining and holding your boundaries. Our individual life lessons do not come to us neatly catalogued. We must endeavour to understand what they are so we can modify how we handle a challenge to gain a better probability of learning the lesson. Many of the challenges in our lives are not just bad luck but situations we have in a sense asked for to help us learn a lesson. read more