Rumi’s Reflections: Alison Wem’s Journal – Day 10

Be like a


and let the

dead leaves


Jalal al-Din Rumi

As you develop spiritually, some of the people and things in your life no longer please you. This is alright and as it should be. You have developed and your hopes and wishes have changed with you.

Allow these people to gracefully drop from your life as a dead, autumn leaf gently drops to the ground having served the tree well throughout the summer.

Part with love and all will be well.

Rumi’s Reflections: Alison Wem’s Journal – Day 5

Greed makes man blind and foolish,

And makes him an easy prey for death

                                                                                        Jalal al-Din Rumi

There are some among us who choose to worship the great god ‘Money’. I have observed that when they have achieved wealth, far from bringing great joy, it brings more work and worry on how to retain it.

Everyone needs a comfortable and safe home, food and warm clothes for their personal well-being. Anything beyond that is a luxury. The time and energy it takes to achieve this ‘luxury’ can make you poor. Poor in time and energy to focus on your relationships, personal study and just enjoying the gift of life. read more

Rumi’s Reflections: Alison Wem’s Journal – Day 3

Take someone who doesn’t keep score,

who’s not looking to be richer, or afraid of losing,

who has not the slightest interest even in

his own personality: He’s free.

Jalal al-Din Rumi

This is someone who can just be. Do I just want to ‘be’? Having no agenda is good and very relaxing. But I came into this body for a purpose. I am afraid I may fail, so I am not fully the person Rumi describes. All I can do is my best. No-one can ask more of me than that. No-one seeks to fail. read more

Rumi’s Reflection Journal: join Alison Wem on her journey as she experiences the Covid pandemic

Many of us feel constrained by the attempts of our governments to control the virus – lockdowns, curfews, isolation from our loved ones.

We are never really alone. Going within and reflecting opens up a whole new world. While meditation calms us, I have found having something to reflect on and to sense my own feelings, is a constructive practice that helps me to re-connect with the wisdom of my soul.

To help me with my reflections on Rumi’s poetry, I have chosen to use Paper Trail’s book – Rumi’s Reflection Journal. It gives me individual Rumi quotes to consider. Thank you Paper Trail. read more