Who am I?: can I influence the world I live in which is so full of fear

Am I just flesh and bones?

Do you feel there is more to you than flesh and bones?

Well yes actually. I am more than my body. I have thoughts, feelings and dreams. I love my parents, my partner and my children even though they annoy me sometimes. Surely all of this is part of me as well as my body.

Your thoughts, feelings and dreams are all energy as much as your body. Have you ever felt your mother’s disapproval without her even speaking a word?

Well of course I have, especially when I was growing up. read more

Soul Centred Consciousness: Liberation from Within

by Jeremy Turner-Welch

The way in which we locate solutions to our inner problems can drastically affect our daily lives.

The more these solutions are located outside yourself, the more your sense of self-worth and confidence becomes linked to external factors and the approval of others. For then you may believe: “if they praise me, I am likeable”, “if I get this job, I am talented”, or “if I avoid relationships, I won’t be hurt again.” This can cause you to employ apologetic, avoidant, defensive or domineering behaviours to control the outside world simply to maintain a positive self-image and belief that you are ‘good enough’. Sadly, this often leads to feeling anxious, fearful, frustrated or overwhelmed. read more

City dwellers: Do you need to find some peace?

I live in the city of London. I would describe myself as a country girl wilting in the city.

In a city we have smaller homes which are often close together. Each day I take myself for a walk to find peace and to re-connect with my soul. Getting closer to Nature definitely makes it easier. Here are some of the things I do. They may give you some ideas:

  • walk alone, this is time for you and your soul.
  • look up at the sky and enjoy the panorama of clouds, sky and if you are lucky the sun.
  • Feel the sun on your face, close your eyes and enjoy it.
  • If its raining, use a hat or a hood and let the rain splash on your face – it’s cold and invigorating.
  • Find the times of day the park is quieter and try to walk at these times.
  • Observe the trees and plants around you, most cities have some. Notice the change of the seasons, especially the promise of the spring after a long winter.
  • Walk and talk to your soul.

Ask questions of your soul about how you may improve your life. Wait for the inspiration or suggestions to arrive.

Be creative on getting closer to nature. Today it’s pouring in London. I stood by a storm drain and listened to the water running down the side of the road and drop down into the drain. I felt it was my temporary ‘happy stream’ come to join my walk. read more

Rumi’s Reflection Journal: join Alison Wem on her journey as she experiences the Covid pandemic

Many of us feel constrained by the attempts of our governments to control the virus – lockdowns, curfews, isolation from our loved ones.

We are never really alone. Going within and reflecting opens up a whole new world. While meditation calms us, I have found having something to reflect on and to sense my own feelings, is a constructive practice that helps me to re-connect with the wisdom of my soul.

To help me with my reflections on Rumi’s poetry, I have chosen to use Paper Trail’s book – Rumi’s Reflection Journal. It gives me individual Rumi quotes to consider. Thank you Paper Trail. read more

Soul development

Great article by Richard Barrett on how humans go through various stages of flourishing their soul.

Richard Barrett FRSA. Richard is an author, speaker and internationally recognised thought leader on the evolution of human values in business and society. He is the founder and chairman of the Barrett Values Centre. He is also a Fellow of the World Business Academy, Member of the Council of the Centre for Integral Wisdom, Honorary Board Member of the Spirit of Humanity Forum, and Former Values Coordinator at the World Bank. read more