Your Soul Family Autumn 2018 Programme

As the autumn approaches and the days become shorter and chillier, we turn our thoughts to more internal pursuits.

Are you seeking a healthier, happier and more rewarding life? Bring some calm into your busy and perhaps stressful life to learn more about who you are and where your life is going.

Tap below to view the programme.

Take a look at Your Soul Family’s new autumn programme of relaxing events which help you to know more about yourself.
  • Take a taster event with an intuitive selection of a Soul Family template to paint for relaxation and messages from your loved ones.
  • Take a workshop to learn how to create your own soul map. Enjoy the relaxation of painting it and learn to use it in a reflection for ongoing calmness.
  • Soul families life in soul communities much as in our physical lives. Learn to create your community picture and paint it for relaxation.
  • Your Soul Family Foundation evening course of discovery including relaxing meditations, exercises and Soul Family techniques to develop your intuition. Starting in January, express an interest now as we need a minimum number to ensure it runs

All of the events are good for reducing stress and helping you to manage your life. You can do them just for relaxation or you can learn more about yourself, the life lessons you are learning and discovering who is in your eternal soul family. Either reason is equally good.

Already done the workshop to create your first soul map? read more

Meet Wang, a Tibetan monk

Recently I met a Tibetan monk called Wang.  He is a man with great humour and wisdom.  I do not have a picture of him but I think of him as in the picture of the Tibetan monk in this article.

In the Tibetan culture Wang means empowerment. An empowerment is a ritual which initiates a student into a particular practice. A tantric practice is not considered effective until a master has transmitted the corresponding Wang (power) of the practice directly to the student. As part of the preliminary practices before a student even begins the actual practices, the teacher introduces the student to the ‘mandala’ of the deity. read more

Soul Map examples

You create your soul map using geometric shapes.  The large circle represents the circle of life, the smaller circles individual souls participating in your life and the lines between you are relationships or life lessons you are helping each other with.  As this is your soul map, you are at the centre represented by a single circle.  Below are some examples of soul maps created by my students.
