Who am I?: can I influence the world I live in which is so full of fear

Am I just flesh and bones?

Do you feel there is more to you than flesh and bones?

Well yes actually. I am more than my body. I have thoughts, feelings and dreams. I love my parents, my partner and my children even though they annoy me sometimes. Surely all of this is part of me as well as my body.

Your thoughts, feelings and dreams are all energy as much as your body. Have you ever felt your mother’s disapproval without her even speaking a word?

Well of course I have, especially when I was growing up. read more

Rumi’s Reflections: Alison Wem’s Journal – Day 4

The spirit is so near

that you can’t see it!

But reach for it… don’t be a jar, full of

water, whose rim is always dry. Don’t be the

rider who gallops all night and never sees

the horse that is beneath him.

                                                                     Jalal al-Din Rumi

This is so true. My soul Lucinda is so close yet so far. I have to consciously think about her to be able to feel and hear her. She is wise but I have to remember to ask for her help. read more