Alison’s Reading List

Books Alison has found useful on her spiritual journey to explore who she truly is

Personally I find reading books tough, but don’t give up. Books can open a whole new world and interest for you as I found out. It takes me considerable time and effort to read a book. Late in life I found out I was dyslexic. In my late teens my late husband was courting me. We used to go every week to the library in his home town of Chertsey, UK. Embarrassingly he used to take out a great stack of books as he was an avid reader. Grudgingly I took out one book and still I often had to renew it for another week. In desperation at trying to spark my interest in books, my husband chose a book for me. It was on reincarnation. I read it in a week and have never looked back. Since then I have read every spiritual book that has come my way. read more

Covid-19: is it providing us with an opportunity to permanently change our lives?

Is Covid-19 creating a burning platform for change?

While it may not go away totally and we will have to learn to live with it, Covid-19 has forced us to change the way we are living and to consider what is important to us.

Loved ones are at the top of our prioritises – not unsurprisingly. Leading a simpler life has been a new experience for some and has made people question whether they need all of their ‘things’. Nature is valued more. Relationships and happy experiences enrich our lives. read more